Immunotherapy and HIV

Human immune cells come in millions of varieties and they fight disease in all kinds of different ways. To understand how they work together, Penn Medicine researchers mapped out almost a million different families of immune cells by counting them, one at a time.

It took three years to complete this monumental map. But the effort yielded the world's first comprehensive B-cell clone atlas, and a quantum leap in our ability to identify and treat infectious disease. Soon, a simple blood test will tell us exactly where in the body immune cells are battling disease, and what they might be battling.

The B-cell clone atlas is now an open source project being shared and expanded by researchers around the world.

Contact us to learn more

HIV Services

Our comprehensive HIV services include:

  • Assistance with insurance applications
  • Coordination of hospital and community-based care for HIV-positive patients
  • Coordination of the services required for the care of HIV-positive patients and their families
  • Counseling and psychological support
  • Developmental assessments
  • Education for patients, families and the community
  • Laboratory tests, including HIV screening
  • Nutritional support services
  • On-site Social Worker
  • Physical examinations
  • Referrals to other physicians and health professionals and/or community agencies, when appropriate
  • Routine gynecologic care for women (Pap smears)
  • Vaccinations

Providing a "Superb Experience of Care"

Our HIV Clinics are among of the best in the nation, providing extraordinarily compassionate care from expert physicians, exceptional attention to detail and world-class expertise across multiple disciplines.

Research and Clinical Trials

The HIV Clinic has a very large and active clinical trials program. Participating in clinical trials is an opportunity for you to try new treatments that could potentially improve your condition, while taking part in vital research that can benefit many future patients. Patients are able to access innovative trials that involve the latest, cutting-edge research including biologic therapy. Participation in these clinical trials help you benefit from effective therapies that can improve your health and quality of life.

Make an Appointment

If you're interested in a consultation, call today to request an appointment. Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. You may be asked the reason for the appointment so you can be scheduled with a physician specializing in that clinical area.

To prepare for your appointment, please have the following information on hand:

Insurance information (note: all insurances covered by the health system are accepted)

Referral/authorization, if your insurance requires it

Co-pay, if applicable

Health history/symptoms

If you've received a new diagnosis of HIV, you will be provided with an outpatient appointment within one week.

Our practice provides care to patients with HIV regardless of insurance coverage, as we are a Ryan White – funded HIV program.

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