For patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, Penn Medicine offers a comprehensive insulin pump program.

An insulin pump replaces the need for multiple insulin injections throughout the day by providing a continuous dose of insulin throughout the day via a catheter. Instead of taking multiple injections a day, the pump emits insulin continuously and covers meal intake with extra doses, similar to the way the human pancreas works.

Advantages of an insulin pump

  • Eliminates multiple insulin injections
  • Flexibility about when and what is eaten
  • Fewer swings in blood glucose levels
  • More accuracy than injections
  • Requires training and takes some time to get accustomed to using
  • May cause weight gain

Disadvantages of an insulin pump

Many patients report they prefer using an insulin pump rather than giving themselves multiple injections throughout the day.

Patients participating in the pump program at Penn have the opportunity to take part in individualized training sessions, follow-up sessions and support group meetings. 

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