Perinatal hormone changes during and after pregnancy, and the overall changes a new baby brings, can cause a mixture of new feelings. If you have an existing behavioral health issue, these changes can make symptoms more problematic.

Don’t hesitate to seek help. Mood disorders are common and highly treatable. At the Penn Center for Women’s Behavioral Wellness, we offer compassionate care. We help you manage emotional challenges so you can enjoy your life.

Perinatal and Postpartum Depression Services at Penn Medicine: Why Choose Us?

Each pregnancy affects individuals differently. If you feel anxious, sad or overwhelmed with emotions, we’re here for you. You have access to:

  • Women’s health experts: You receive support from a team that specializes in helping women manage mood changes during and after pregnancy. Your care team includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and nurses.
  • Comprehensive therapies: Your feelings are unique. We customize a therapy plan that helps you feel well again. Depending on your needs, you may benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy, or other psychotherapies.
  • Medication management: Medications can help you manage mood disorders on a short-term basis or for a longer time. We can advise you about which medications you can safely take during your pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
  • Preconception counseling: If you plan to become pregnant and have an existing behavioral health issue, we can meet with you before conception to develop a healthy pregnancy plan. We may recommend changing medications to a drug that’s safer to take during pregnancy. We help you achieve your best mental health before, during and after pregnancy.
  • Mental health screenings: You’ll complete written mental health assessments with your Penn OB-GYN during prenatal and postpartum exams. We do another evaluation before you leave the hospital after delivery. These screenings help us spot potential problems like perinatal depression, so you get the support you need fast.
  • Telehealth appointments: We know it can sometimes be challenging to get to in-person appointments. We offer in-person and telehealth visits. You don’t have to be a patient of a Penn OB-GYN to participate in our program. Check with your health insurer about coverage.

Perinatal Behavioral Health Issues We Treat

We provide care for all types of perinatal behavioral health issues, including:

Penn Women’s Behavioral Health Services

We also provide behavioral health support for women coping with:

Emergency Services

Call 911 if you feel like you might harm yourself or your child. Emergency psychiatric services are also available at the Pennsylvania Hospital Crisis Response Center. Call 215-829-5433.

Contact Us

To schedule an appointment with a women’s behavioral health specialist, call 215-573-8886 or email

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