Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

campus map of Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

The PPMC Pharmacy is located on the 1st Floor of the CUPP building.

The pharmacy at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center dispenses prescriptions for patients and employees of Penn Medicine. The PPMC Pharmacy is located on the 1st Floor of the CUPP building located directly behind the main entrance welcome desk.

Campus Directory

  1. Wright-Saunders Building
  2. Medical Care Unit
  3. The Mabel Pew Myrin Pavilion
  4. Pavilion for Advanced Care
  5. Cupp Pavilion
  6. Cupp Lobby
  7. Medical Office Building
  8. Scheie Eye Institute
  9. Heart & Vascular Pavilion
  10. Mutch Building
  11. Medical Arts Building
  12. Penn Medicine University City
  13. 3701 Market Street

Guest Services

  • Cafeteria A - First Floor
  • Chapel A - First Floor
  • Freshii Cafe - E - First Floor
  • Gift Shop A - First Floor
  • Guest Services A - First Floor
  • Patient Information - A, E, H, I, K, L
  • Security - A - Powelton Avenue Entrance
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