Selected Publications
Couthouis J, Hart MP, Erion R, King OD, Diaz Z, Nakaya T, Ibrahim F, Kim HJ, Mojsilovic-Petrovic J, Panossian S, Kim CE, Frackelton EC, Solski JA, Williams KL, Clay-Falcone D, Elman L, McCluskey L, Greene R, Hakonarson H, Kalb RG, Lee V-MY, Trojanowski JQ, Nicholson GA, Blair IP, Bonini NM, Van Deerlin VM, Mourelatos Z, Shorter J, Gitler AD: Evaluating the role of the FUS/TLS-related gene EWSR1 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Hum Molec Genet 21 (13): 2899-911,2012.
Liu X, Jin D-Y, McManus MT, Mourelatos Z: Precursor microRNA-programmed silencing complex assembly pathways in mammals Mol Cell 46 (4): 507-17,2012.
Vourekas A, Zheng Q, Alexiou P, Maragkakis M, Kirino Y, Gregory BD, Mourelatos Z: Mili and Miwi target RNA repertoire reveals piRNA biogenesis and function of Miwi in spermiogenesis Nat Struct Mol Biol 19 (8): 773-81,2012.
Venneti S, Moss HE, Levin MH, Vagefi MR, Brozena CS, Pruitt AA, Mourelatos Z, Trojanowski JQ, Galetta SL, Balcer LJ: Asymmetric bilateral demyelinating optic neuropathy from tacrolimus toxicity J Neurol Sci 301 (1-2): 112-5,2011.
Couthouis J, Hart MP, Shorter J, DeJesus-Hernandez M, Erion R, Oristano R, Liu AX, Ramos D, Jethava N, Hosangadi D, Epstein J, Chiang A, Diaz Z, Nakaya T, Ibrahim F, Kim HJ, Solski JA, Williams KL, Mojsilovic-Petrovic J, Ingre C, Boylan K, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW, Clay-Falcone D, Elman L, McCluskey L, Greene R, Kalb RG, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Ludolph A, Robberecht W, Andersen PM, Nicholson GA, Blair IP, King OD, Bonini NM, Van Deerlin V, Rademakers R, Mourelatos Z, Gitler AD: A yeast functional screen predicts new candidate ALS disease genes Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108 (52): 20881-90,2011.
Venneti S, Boateng LA, Friedman JR, Baldwin DA, Tobias JW, Judkins AR, Mourelatos Z, Priti L: MiRNA-9 and MiRNA-200a distinguish hemangioblastomas from metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinomas in the CNS Brain Pathol 22 (4): 522-9,2012.
Kirino Y, Vourekas A, Khandros E, Mourelatos Z: Immunoprecipitation of piRNPs and directional, next generation sequencing of piRNAs Methods Mol Biol 725 : 281-93,2011.
de Planell-Saguer M, Rodicio MC, Mourelatos Z: Rapid in situ codetection of noncoding RNAs and proteins in cells and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections without protease treatment Nat Protoc 5 (6): 1061-73,2010.
Kirino Y, Vourekas A, Kim N, de Lima Alves F, Rappsilber J, Klein PS, Jongens TA, Mourelatos Z: Arginine methylation of vasa protein is conserved across phyla J Biol Chem
285 (11): 8148-54,2010.
Kirino A, Vourekas A, Sayed N, de Lima Alves F, Thomson T, Lasko P, Rappsilber J, Jongens TA, Mourelatos Z: Arginine methylation of Aubergine mediates Tudor binding and germ plasm localization RNA 16 (1): 70-8,2010.
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Academic Contact Information
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Division of Neuropathology
613B Stellar Chance Labs
422 Curie Boulevard
Phone: 215-746-0014