Cancer Research Training and Education Opportunities

The education and training of present and future leaders in cancer research is a top priority of the Abramson Cancer Center (ACC). The newly established Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination (CRTEC) initiative seeks to promote and integrate the broad array of education and training opportunities at the Abramson Cancer Center and University of Pennsylvania for students, trainees, scholars, faculty, and research professionals, ranging from undergraduate courses in Cancer Biology to continuing medical education (CME) courses for practicing oncologists.

Connect with the CRTEC by contacting Cauleen Noël at

Visit the archive of CRTEC installments published in the ACC Bulletin.

Education and Training Programs with Direct or Indirect Relevance to Cancer

Select from the tab menu below to find educational resources across our campus. Click through to learn more about each program or to find contact information.

High School


Medical School and Graduate School

Clinical or Postdoctoral Fellow

Graduate Medical Education (GME)

Faculty, Professional and Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CRTEC Administration

  • David A. Mankoff, MD, PhD – Associate Director for Education and Training, Abramson Cancer Center
    Gerd Muehllehner Professor of Radiology
    Vice-Chair for Research, Department of Radiology

CRTEC Operating Committee

CRTEC Internal Advisory Board

In This Section

  • CRTEC Installments in the ACC Bulletin

    The ACC Bulletin is a biweekly newsletter focusing on all Abramson Cancer Center events, announcements, accolades, and opportunities.

  • Professional Education and Career Development

    The Abramson Cancer Center offers cancer researchers and health care professionals numerous opportunities in supplemental training and career development.

  • Additional Opportunities for Researchers

    Learn more about additional education and training programs available at the Abramson Cancer Center and the University of Pennsylvania.

  • High School

    Learn about the summer programs offered to high school students at Penn Medicine.

  • Undergraduate

    Undergraduate cancer research opportunities are available through multiple programs on campus at the University of Pennsylvania.

  • Graduate

    Graduate training at the Abramson Cancer Center and the University of Pennsylvania covers a wide range of scientific and clinical areas.

  • Medical

    Medical education training at the Abramson Cancer Center and the University of Pennsylvania covers undergraduate training as well as graduate training, which includes residency and fellowship programs.

  • Postdoctoral

    Postdoctoral trainees in the area of cancer research have access to a wealth of resources through the office of Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs (BPP).