Supportive Care

Palliative and Supportive Care Program

The Palliative and Supportive Care Program is a comprehensive outpatient program at Penn Medicine, focused on the needs of all cancer patients and their families. Patients at any stage of a cancer diagnosis may benefit from palliative care, including those who are newly diagnosed, actively undergoing treatment, or have recently completed treatment. This program is designed with a team approach, focusing on optimizing your function and everyday life. Your team may include palliative care nurse practitioners, oncology social workers, oncology nutritionists, physical therapists, speech language pathologists, psychologists, and chaplains. We partner with your cancer team to improve symptoms, quality of life and communication. We know that the more preparation and support patients and their families have, the easier it is to cope with the psychosocial and physical demands of cancer treatment.

Swallowing & Speech Therapy

Your cancer team includes a speech language pathologist (SLP.) A SLP provides assessment and treatment of communication and swallowing impairments that you may experience as a result of cancer or your cancer treatment. A SLP may assess communication and swallowing throughout the course of your cancer treatment and afterward, for as long as needed. SLPs use assessment tools including modified barium swallowing studies. SLPs provide exercises and strategies for communication and swallowing that are based on your individual needs.

Lymphedema Management

Following treatment for head and neck cancer, there is a risk of developing lymphedema. Lymphedema is swelling that occurs in the face and neck. Edema occurs because of changes caused by cancer and its treatments. Lymphedema cannot be prevented, but it can be managed by a lymphedema specialist. Our program partners with the Lymphedema Program at Good Shepherd Penn Partners to provide specialized care.

Nutrition Counseling

Patients with head and neck cancers may have difficulties with chewing and swallowing, which can create barriers to eating. Weight loss and poor nutrition can cause interruptions in treatment or end in inadequate treatment doses being received. It is important to keep yourself well-nourished, maintain your weight as much as possible and keep hydrated. Throughout your treatment planning, you will receive information on common side effects tailored to your actual treatment regimen. Our cancer center has a Registered Dietitian (RD) on staff, who specializes in cancer. The RD can help you manage nutrition-related side effects during treatment and help you to set goals to change your diet through every aspect of cancer care from treatment through recovery.

Oncology Social Work

A cancer diagnosis presents challenges to patients and their caregivers. Dealing with cancer and its treatment can be both stressful and overwhelming. Meeting with a social worker can help patients and their caregivers cope with this new diagnosis and support well-being, healing, and hope. They are experts in linking patients and families to community resources and they also offer support groups and supportive counseling. Our social workers are available to meet with patients and caregivers to help with a variety of issues through each phase of your cancer.

Counseling Programs

In order to support your spiritual and mental well-being, we offer counseling sessions to patients with cancer, or their family members. In addition, our chaplain is available to support your spiritual needs.

Good Shepherd Penn Partners (GSPP): Cancer Rehabilitation Services

As part of the Penn Medicine network, GSPP provides comprehensive services for head and neck cancer rehabilitation to help you regain your strength and quality of life. GSPP physical and occupational therapists can help you deal with cancer-related fatigue. They conduct clinical assessments of strength, range of motion, swallowing, voice, and speech in order to create a personalized rehabilitation plan based on your needs. Your GSPP therapist will partner with your care team, playing an integral role in your recovery.

To find a location, learn more or schedule an appointment, visit PennPartners or call 877-969-7342.

Rehab 360 Clinic – Survivorship

Once patients are finished with their planned treatment, they move to survivorship care through our Rehab 360 Clinic. At each visit, a nurse practitioner or physician assistant will complete a physical assessment, address the short-term and long-term side effects of treatment, and work with you to identify your overall wellness needs.

Each Rehab 360 Visit Includes:

  • Review of medical history and medications
  • Physical exam of the head and neck
  • Endoscopy to detect recurrence, if indicated
  • Identification and management of the effects of cancer and its treatment
  • Promotion of health and wellness including nutrition, exercise, and smoking cessation
  • Development of individualized Treatment Summary & Survivorship Care Plan
  • Providing referrals to specialists, as needed

Our goal is to quickly identify any concern for recurrence and to improve your overall health and well-being by connecting patients to available resources and providing guidance.