Meet the Team

The Penn Telegenetics Program team of clinicians, researchers, and support staff is dedicated to connecting you to genetic counseling services. Our expert genetic counselors have a wide range of clinical specialties and are licensed in multiple states nationwide.

Angela R. Bradbury, MD
Executive Director, Telegenetics Program
Associate Professor of Medicine

The telegenetics team is shown in January 2019
Clockwise from far left are genetic counselors Nicolette Sookar, MS, LCGC; Claire Leifeste, MS, LCGC; Cara Cacioppo, MS, LCGC; Dana Falcone, MS, LCGC; and Beth McCarty Wood, MS, LCGC.
Certified, Licensed Genetic Counselors
Beth McCarty Wood, MS, LCGC, Senior Genetic Counselor
Cara Cacioppo, MS, LCGC
Nicolette Sookar, MS, LCGC
Claire Leifeste, MS, LCGC
Dana Falcone, MS, LCGC
Stefanie Weber, MS, LCGC
Laura Eppelmann, MS, LCGC
Christine Barth, MS, LCGC
Michelle Weinberg, MS, LCGC

Jill Bennett Gaieski, PhD, JD
Senior Research Investigator

Colleen Sands, MPH
Project Manager

Dominique Fetzer
Clinical Research Coordinator

Syeda Abbas
Research Assistant

Demetrios Ofidis
Research Assistant

Anna Bryant
Administrative Support

Giovanna Edmonds
Administrative Support

Accessing the Telegenetics Program

If you are a provider or program administrator interested in partnering with us for telegenetics, please email

If you are a patient seeking information on genetic counseling services, call 800-789-7366.

For more information, visit Penn Medicine's Connected Health Telemedicine Programs or read the clinical briefing.