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Abramson Report Fall 2022

Director's Message

Robert Vonderheide, MD, DPhil

Tremendous strides are being made in cancer research, care, and prevention, and the Abramson Cancer Center continues to be a driving force in that progress.

It’s an honor to lead a center whose cancer programs were once again ranked amongst the top 10 in the nation by US News & World Report—and a privilege to bring this level of care to our patients and families.

Teams working together, across disciplines, sharing knowledge—and very generous philanthropy that provides flexible resources to pursue high-risk, high-reward concepts—help us transform ideas into reality.

Penn’s remarkable 18 FDA approvals are a testament to a model of discovery that works, and with many more promising therapies in the pipeline, this is only the beginning.

In this issue of Penn’s Abramson Report, you will be introduced to members of our community who give back through events, philanthropy, and advocacy—such as Christine Kelly, the Braid family, Craig Super, Slate Belt Mighty Mopar, and the Tara Miller Melanoma Foundation. Their efforts are an inspiration.

You will learn more about efforts being made to empower patients and families with the knowledge to improve cancer outcomes, through initiatives like ACC’s Clinical Trials Ambassador Program and Basser Center for BRCA’s Parents Leadership Council.

You will also read more about an innovative approach for diagnosing cancer and determining effective treatments: liquid biopsy. This technique is a game changer; it is less invasive, often more accurate, and can detect cancers earlier. Yet another example of how ACC develops and integrates the most advanced technologies to benefit patients.

It is our community—our researchers, physicians, and staff; our partners and advocates; our donors, supporters, and friends; our campus and culture—working together that makes all of this possible. Thank you.

Penn’s remarkable 19 FDA approvals are a testament to a model of discovery that works, and with many more promising therapies in the pipeline, this is only the beginning.

Christine’s Story

Taking Control of Your Health

Summer brings warmer weather, longer days, and plenty of time spent outside. But that extra sunlight and sun exposure can lead to an increased chance of skin damage.

This reality hit home for Christine Kelly in 2015, when she found out that a lump on top of her head was melanoma.

Melanoma is the leading cause of skin cancer-related deaths in the United States. While the exact cause of melanoma is not clear, the American Cancer Society states that factors such as ultraviolet light exposure, the presence of moles, and a family history of melanoma can increase a person’s risk of developing melanoma.

Christine sought care at the Abramson Cancer Center with surgical oncologist, Giorgios C. Karakousis, MD, and medical oncologist, Tara C. Mitchell, MD.

During her treatments, Christine attended Penn’s annual Focus on Melanoma Conference for patients, family members, caregivers, and healthcare professionals affected by melanoma. Currently, in its 19th year, the conference provides information about advances in research and treatments, details about how patients can be involved in their care decisions, and strategies for preventing skin cancer.

Christine found the educational aspect of the conference incredibly empowering.

“I think most people assume they can remove it and you’re fine, but you have to really stay on top of it,” says Christine.

Almost five years after her original diagnosis, one of Christine’s biannual scans showed that her cancer had returned and spread to her lymph nodes. Her care team recommended including immunotherapy in her next treatment plan—to combat this more advanced stage of her melanoma.

Christine traveled to Penn’s campus once a month for more than a year to receive her infusions—intimately getting to know our wonderful infusion team.

Now a year after her therapies have ended, Christine is doing well and being closely monitored with biannual scans and appointments with Dr. Mitchell.

Penn’s Tara Miller Melanoma Center provides patients a team of melanoma specialists, experienced in immediate and ongoing treatment for a variety of melanomas and other skin cancers.

Treatment is tailored to the specific needs of the patient, taking into account genetic makeup, family history, and medical history.

The Center also focuses on research related to preventing, diagnosing, and treating melanoma—offering patients an opportunity to be part of transformative clinical trials that help pave the way for future innovations in care.

What does Christine want others to know about melanoma?

First, be sure to protect your skin if you’ll be outside and exposed, especially for extended periods of time. And second, do not hesitate to see a doctor if you notice anything unusual.

“Do not sit back and ignore anything abnormal. It’s your life you’re talking about here,” she says.

Cathy Braid’s Legacy

When Ellen Fernberger first met her husband Gary’s family, she was instantly drawn to her soon to be sister-in-law, Cathy.

“Cathy was warm and caring; she was beautiful, and not just physically, but in every way. She made me feel at home with their family right away, like the sister I never had growing up,” says Ellen.

As time passed, Cathy and her husband, Steven Braid, welcomed two daughters, Jennifer and Ashley. With Ellen and Gary living only a few blocks away, their families celebrated every holiday and birthday together — and grew even closer.

So, when Cathy was diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive type of cancer that can occur in the brain or spinal cord, the family was devastated. Ellen started to do some research and found it less than promising. “Especially 10 or so years ago when she was diagnosed, there were very few options available. We are so inspired by the advances at places like Penn,” says Ellen.

Cathy was treated at Penn Medicine by Steven Brem, MD, and a team of nurses and staff that helped their family feel confident they were in the right place and doing everything possible. Ultimately, the family faced an uphill road with Cathy’s disease, with each of them working together and taking turns serving as her caregivers.

“It was such a hard time for us, but looking back we knew Penn was giving Cathy the best shot and we trusted her team. At home it was amazing how we all rose to the occasion, especially her daughters and Steven. They were always there,” remembers Ellen, “it's emblematic of the love they shared with their mother. It was a dark time, but all of this care and love shined through.”

After several surgeries and a recurrence, Cathy passed away in 2013. In her memory, Ellen and Gary, Steven, Jennifer, and Ashley have created a legacy for Cathy by giving back to help others. To them, she is part of a bigger story of advancing cancer care and research, and they want to share the hope that they have for a better future for people with this aggressive cancer.

Ellen makes a gift every year, in memory of Cathy, in honor of her nieces and brother-in-law, and for a positive change. She is considering contributing through IRA rollover options, and other avenues to make an even bigger impact.

Unrestricted funds, like those that Cathy and her family support, provide essential resources that have an extraordinary impact across Penn Medicine in basic science, clinical trial development, and collaborative and innovative research. These funds are uniquely positioned to support cancer breakthroughs and interventions of the future — helping patients facing all types of cancer. From revelatory discoveries to the simple kindness amongst our staff and patients, the Abramson Cancer Center is an institution that provides hope and healing.

Cathy’s daughter Ashley, and her husband Joseph, have also established a fund in honor of Cathy, as well as Ashley’s mother-in-law. For this family, and Cathy’s legacy — it’s a family affair.

We See You Cancer

There's No Hiding From These Innovations in Detecting Cancer

Until recently, the standard test for a cancer diagnosis and treatment has been a tumor biopsy, which often requires surgery and can be invasive and inconclusive.

Now, researchers at the Abramson Cancer Center have shown that a new blood test called liquid biopsy can be faster, less invasive, and even more accurate than traditional methods. This exciting new test requires only a few drops of blood, and can provide real-time monitoring of therapy throughout treatment, predict when a patient may develop drug resistance months earlier than conventional methods, and has the potential to increase cancer survival gains through precision mutation targeting.

Led by Erica L. Carpenter, MBA, PhD, the Liquid Biopsy team at Penn Medicine collaborates with clinicians and researchers across areas to develop innovative clinical

trials and research studies. Each year these teams process thousands of liquid biopsies. screening for over fifteen types of cancers, and conducting dozens of clinical trials.

For example, a recent study showed that liquid biopsies can almost double the rate of detection for treatable mutations in non-small cell lung cancer. This offers patients more treatment options and precise care with minimal discomfort — and is leading to liquid biopsies rapidly becoming a cornerstone of personalized cancer medicine.

Brain Cancer

Researchers at the Abramson Cancer Center have shown that liquid biopsies correlate with how patients will progress after they are diagnosed with glioblastoma (GBM), the deadliest and most common primary brain tumor in adults with a five-year survival rate between 5 and 10 percent.

One of the challenges in treating GBM is that trying to track tumor mutations over time requires getting a new tissue sample, which involves repeat brain surgery and continual monitoring. This can be difficult and invasive for patients. Liquid biopsy shows promise to empower clinicians to more closely monitor disease and appropriate therapies.

Pancreatic Cancer

One of the biggest challenges of pancreatic cancer is catching the disease before it has progressed or spread. When caught early, patients are more likely candidates for curative intent surgery.

But for patients whose disease has spread, there are currently no long-term curative treatment options.

Penn research is showing that liquid biopsies may be more accurate at detecting disease than any other known biomarker alone, and was also more accurate at staging disease than when using only imaging alone.

Liquid Biopsy Brings a Second Breath for Summer

More young women are getting lung cancer— but a team of committed doctors at Penn is offering new hope.

Two years ago, Summer Farmen began to have trouble breathing. She had never smoked a day in her life, so the mom of three was shocked when she learned the reason for her sudden symptom.

"The doctors said there were tumors all over my lungs," she recalls.

A local specialist recommended treating her stage 4 disease with chemo as soon as possible. But Farmen decided to get a second opinion at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia, and the medical oncologist there had a different, more personalized plan: "When I meet a young woman who's never smoked, my initial thought is, 'There has to be a genetic target for treatment, and the first thing we need to do is find it,' " says Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, Leslye M. Heisler Associate Professor for Lung Cancer Excellence

Dr. Aggarwal and her colleagues at Penn are racing to elevate lung cancer care as they see more patients like Farmen. "The rate of lung cancer in nonsmokers has been increasing—especially among women," says Sunil Singhal, MD, William Maul Measey Professor in Surgical Research. Researchers are investigating possible explanations, including viruses like HPV and the influence of sex hormones.

In some cases when lung cancer is detected early, a scan might show gray, hazy spots in the lungs called ground-glass opacities. Dr. Singhal is currently leading a clinical trial on a new surgical approach to removing these precancerous lesions (as well as tumors) using an injectable fluorescent dye; when atypical tissue absorbs the dye, it becomes easier for surgeons to see.

The team at Penn is also running trials on immunotherapies as well as studying liquid biopsy methods because they're less invasive than traditional tissue samples. In addition, researchers are improving technologies that detect genetic mutations tied to lung cancer — tests that will hopefully lead to earlier diagnoses and more effective treatments. (Another of the team's goals: developing new screening protocols for genetically based lung cancers, since the current guidelines only apply to smokers.)

After Farmen underwent a thorough genetic workup, she learned some good news. It turned out her cancer was caused by a rare DNA mutation that responds well to several oral medications. "Summer has experienced a complete response to treatment," says Dr. Aggarwal, who now sees Farmen every three months for follow-up scans.

With the gift of more time, Farmen is counting on the promise of research and future discoveries. "My cancer is still there, lurking," she says. "[Patients like me] have a median life expectancy of 7.5 years, which is why research is so important. I for sure want to push that envelope. And I am truly hopeful."

*This article originally appeared in April 2022 Issue of Health Magazine.

The Parents Leadership Community (PLC) of the Basser Center for BRCA is a group of parents supporting their children who are, or may be, faced with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. The PLC also serves as a resource for parents to stay informed about the latest advances in BRCA research and care.

On May 24, 2022, the PLC hosted a panel discussion focused on the emotional realities and impact a BRCA mutation brings to families. The panel featured Basser Center Executive Director Susan Domchek, MD, Basser PLC co-chair, and Basser Center Advisory Board (BCAB) member Susan Getz, BCAB member Heidi Rieger, Basser Young Leadership Council co-chair Jenny Sorin, and Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Social Policy and Practice Allison Werner-Lin, PhD. The discussion was moderated by journalist and bioethicist Jill Werman Harris.

The event was held at the Jonathan Adler Studio in SoHo, NYC; in addition to hosting the panel discussion, Jonathan Adler donated $2,500 from the evening’s purchases in support of the Basser Center’s mission.

Parents often experience a range of emotions about their child’s BRCA status. As moderator Jill Werman Harris stated, “To talk about the lived experiences of BRCA mutation carriers – there are so many complex aspects of genetic predisposition and the tremendous impact that BRCA can have on family dynamics and between family members.” The panel featured personal and compelling stories of experience, strength, and wisdom.

Heidi Rieger learned that she carried a BRCA2 mutation in early 2016 and subsequently underwent a prophylactic double mastectomy and removal of her ovaries. She is a mother of three daughters – and shared her experience as a parent living with a BRCA mutation. For many people, the heaviest burden of having a BRCA mutation is passing it on to one’s children.

Allison Werner-Lin, PhD drew upon her nearly twenty years of research on the experiences of young adults with BRCA mutations and other inherited cancer risk variants, as well as her mental health practice as an oncology social worker specializing in children and families affected by cancer. Dr. Werner-Lin shared, “This is one thing among millions that your children will inherit from you. They will inherit so much of your personality, your love, your passions, your interests, proclivities, and sensitivities. This is one piece of a very large, complicated, ever-evolving puzzle about how your children will experience the world — and something we can also help them navigate.”

Allison Werner-Lin, PhD drew upon her nearly twenty years of research on the experiences of young adults with BRCA mutations and other inherited cancer risk variants, as well as her mental health practice as an oncology social worker specializing in children and families affected by cancer. Dr. Werner-Lin shared, “This is one thing among millions that your children will inherit from you. They will inherit so much of your personalities, your love, your passions, your interests, proclivities, and sensitivities. This is one piece of a very large, complicated, ever-evolving puzzle about how your children will experience the world — and something we can also help them navigate.”

Susan Getz has been active in various philanthropies focused on empowering women and teens to take responsibility of their own breast health over the years, in addition to her work with the Basser Center. Susan was initially diagnosed with breast cancer at 32 years old in 1990, before the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations were discovered. Susan learned years later she has a BRCA2 mutation and shared how this has affected her daughter. “My daughter, Anabel, really grew up in the context of my second breast cancer diagnosis, and she was always a curious, pragmatic child, so from an early age she was involved with advocacy and fundraising [for breast cancer causes]. It was part of her DNA, but I don’t think she realized what the potential of a hereditary mutation like this could mean for her until later in her teen years. It’s created anticipatory anxiety, for which the Basser Center’s community is helping to address.”

Jenny Sorin learned in 2018 that she carries a BRCA1 mutation, and after watching her mother, BCAB and PLC co-chair Helene Sorin, battle breast cancer not once — but twice — Jenny elected to undergo a prophylactic double mastectomy followed by reconstruction. Jenny openly shared the ups and downs of her journey with a BRCA mutation. “My entire life from what I can remember has really been colored by my family’s experience with breast cancer, and that in a way helped prepare me for my own BRCA mutation diagnosis. For such a long time I had been carrying this fear and vulnerability based on my mom’s breast cancer journey. Gaining knowledge through the Basser Center community has helped me find a sense of relief and options.

Watch the full panel and learn more at

SPOTLIGHT Community Empowerment

A model for advocacy, education, and outreach to improve access to cancer research in underserved communities

Clinical trials give patients an opportunity to receive the most advanced care and be part of the development of the next generation of cancer therapies. In many cases, a clinical trial may be a patient’s best hope to manage cancer.

Yet, Black people have been historically underrepresented in these efforts.

To address gaps in cancer care and improve access and treatment, the Abramson Cancer Center has expanded their community outreach and engagement efforts to increase the enrollment of Black participants into cancer clinical trials. These efforts include:

  • Tailored outreach such as partnerships with faith-based organizations serving Black communities to host educational events
  • Pilot programs with ride-share companies
  • Patient education regarding cancer and clinical trials

Clinical Trials Ambassador Program

Penn Medicine has also piloted a new program— the Clinical Trials Ambassador Program— designed to educate lay volunteers on cancer and cancer research and train them to be ambassadors for clinical trials in their communities.

These efforts reached more than 15,000 individuals in Philadelphia-area churches, neighborhoods Philadelphia area churches, neighborhoods, and community centers. The percentage of Black participants in cancer treatment trials at the Abramson Cancer Center doubled— from 12% to 24%.

Armenta Washington, MS, Senior Research Coordinator, in collaboration with Carmen Guerra, MD, MSCE, FACP, Associate Director of Diversity and Outreach at the Abramson Cancer Center, developed the curriculum for the cancer center’s inaugural program. Its first cohort of 19 ambassadors graduated in October 2021 — and are now out there in the community actively engaging friends, family, and colleagues with life-saving information and resources.

Despite this success, the Abramson Cancer Center has not remained complacent. This is just one of several new programs developed to ensure that patients have equitable access to participating in cancer clinical trials. One such effort is based on a partnership with the Lazarex Cancer Foundation to establish the Improving Patient Access to Cancer Clinical Trials (IMPACT) program, which provides lower-income patients with financial reimbursement for cancer clinical trial travel and lodging-related expenses.

Meet an Ambassador:


A 13-year survivor of stage IV triple-negative metastatic breast cancer Robin joined the inaugural cohort. Robin, a retired Senior Training and Development Specialist, the Department of Behavioral Health & Intellectual Disability Services (DBHIDS) has extensive experience advocating for her community.

Additionally, Robin serves as a Cancer Research Advocate for ECOG-ACRIN Research Group - working with research teams nationwide and providing input into research studies, protocols for the implementation and advocating for clinical trials for communities of color.

The Tara Miller Melanoma Foundation’s 9th Annual Make the Best of It Bash raised $820,000 in support of innovative melanoma research at the ACC and beyond — and in the spirit of Tara, they continue to always look for the silver linings!

The 12th Annual Roberts Proton Therapy Center Alumni Celebration brought together family, staff, and former patients to share stories of hope and find additional inspiration from legendary La Salle Basketball Coach Fran Dunphy.

The 8th Annual Steps to Cure Sarcoma brought together more than 1,000 people and furry friends — and raised $200,000 for collaborative research at Penn Medicine, ACC, CHOP, and Penn Vet.

Craig Super wanted to celebrate his “1st birthday” cancerversary by giving back to his team at Penn. With friends and family by his side, he hosted a Beef and Brew at his local VFW, raising almost $5,000 for the ACC.






Abramson Cancer Center Development, 3535 Market Street, Suite 750, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Make gifts payable to the “Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.”

Created By
Elizabeth Watkins