A Life in Motion

At Penn, we surround you with a team of doctors, pain specialists and therapists who work side-by-side to diagnose and treat problems with joints, muscles and bones. Working with the most advanced therapies and our own amazing breakthroughs, we take a whole-body approach and consider a full range of new options, beyond just surgery.

Expanding Our Presence in Radnor

The new Penn Medicine Radnor* brings increased access to the following high quality musculoskeletal and rheumatology services to the Main Line — all in a safe and secure environment: Orthopaedics, Pain Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Rheumatology, Spine Center

*A facility of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania


Our orthopaedics team treats each joint condition, spinal disorder and sports injury with a personalized approach.


Evaluation, diagnosis and treatment for those with a variety of rheumatic diseases

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Providing a wide spectrum of clinical services to treat patients with all types of disabilities

Musculoskeletal Imaging

Musculoskeletal Imaging includes all imaging studies of bones, joints, spine and soft tissues. It plays a key role in the assessment of fractures, arthritis, tumors, and infection.

Pain Medicine

Using pain management to alleviate complex, acute and chronic pain problems through various in and outpatient procedures.

Penn Musculoskeletal Center

With the opening of the Penn Musculoskeletal Center, a whole new way of delivering orthopaedic care has arrived.

From Our Blog

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Musculoskeletal and Rheumatology Blog

The Penn Musculoskeletal and Rheumatology Blog provides pain management and fitness tips from our orthopaedic doctors, updates on the latest advancements in the orthopaedics field, and stories from patients like you, who achieved what once seemed impossible.
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