Fallopian Tube Cancer Treatment

mother hugging daughter

At the Abramson Cancer Center, we take a precision medicine approach to determine the best treatment plan for you. We look at your unique medical history and the genetic makeup of your cancer to inform your treatment plan. Our comprehensive cancer treatment includes advanced treatment options and clinical trials that are available only at Penn Medicine.

Our gynecologic oncologists will communicate regularly with other Penn specialists and members of your care team to provide comprehensive, integrated care. Our oncofertility program is experienced in creating fertility-sparing treatment plans when current or future pregnancy is a consideration.

Fallopian Tube Cancer Treatments at Penn Medicine

Treatment for fallopian tube cancer depends on:

  • The type of cancer, including genetic testing of tumors
  • The stage and grade of the cancer
  • Whether extra fluid in the abdomen causes swelling
  • Whether all of the tumor can be removed by surgery
  • Whether there are changes in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes
  • Whether the cancer has just been diagnosed or has recurred
  • Your age and general health

Learn More about Fallopian Tube Cancer Treatments at Penn Medicine:

Oncology Navigators

Oncology navigators are focused on patients and committed to making sure that you receive the best possible care. They are experts in navigating complex health care situations and serve as a consistent point of contact and a reliable source for advice, support and direction for you and your family.

Integrative Medicine for Fallopian Tube Cancer

While conventional medicine plays a critical role in cancer treatment, integrative medicine and wellness programs can help you enhance your quality of life, minimize or reduce the side effects of cancer and cancer treatment, and promote healing and recovery. Our integrative oncology services for fallopian tube cancer can supplement traditional cancer treatments.

Our cancer specialists are knowledgeable and supportive of complementary cancer treatments. We can work with you and your family to integrate supportive programs into your overall care plan while ensuring your health and safety. Services include:

Joan Karnell Supportive Services at Pennsylvania Hospital offers an extensive variety of supportive care programs for patients and families, from diagnosis through survivorship. These programs are available at no cost to the patients treated at Pennsylvania Hospital, and some are open to patients treated elsewhere. These services include social work counseling, nutrition counseling, psychological counseling and spiritual counseling.

The Cancer Appetite and Rehabilitation Clinic focuses on patients with loss of appetite and weight.

Palliative Care for Fallopian Tube Cancer

Palliative care provides physical, emotional and spiritual care that can enhance your quality of life. It can be used to complement traditional cancer therapies or when curative therapies are no longer an option. Services include palliative chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery, as well as psychological counseling, art therapy and support groups for patients and families.

Penn Home Care and Hospice Services

Penn Medicine offers a full range of at-home health care services, including specialized therapies and medications, for patients with cancer and cancer-related conditions.