Liver Resection Preparation and Recovery

Provider talking to couple on couch

Preparing for Liver Resection

One of the most important ways to prepare for liver resection is to be in good health. This includes eating well, getting enough sleep and staying active. There is no recommended diet or bowel regimen. However, if you have certain risk factors, such as tobacco use, we’ll help you modify them before we schedule your surgery.

Liver Surgery Recovery

Recovery from liver surgery depends on a few factors: the scope of the operation, the size of the incision and your general health.

The average hospital stay after a major hepatectomy is five to six days. For a small liver resection, you can expect to remain at the hospital for three to four days. We aim to manage post-surgical pain with as little narcotic medication as possible.

After your surgery, you’ll likely be out of bed and able to eat within 24 hours. By the time of discharge, you should be able to perform most basic tasks; however, you should expect to be tired and should arrange to rest at home until your liver surgery recovery is complete.

After Liver Resection Surgery

Between one and two weeks after being discharged from the hospital, you will meet with your surgeon to check on your recovery. Depending on the type and stage of your cancer being treated, other specialists, such as a medical oncologist, may be part of your follow-up care after liver resection surgery.