Liver Cancer: What to Expect at Penn Medicine

Male patient smiling at doctor and nurse

The experienced liver cancer surgeons at Penn Medicine perform a high volume of liver surgeries each year. This high level of experience and patient volume creates better, safer outcomes for our patients.

Multidisciplinary Liver Cancer Care

Liver cancer treatment requires complex care. At the Abramson Cancer Center, we engage a team of specialists, from top liver cancer surgeons to liver oncology specialists, to create a personalized treatment plan for you.

Advanced Treatment Options

We are proud to be one of the only cancer centers in the region using hepatic artery infusion pumps for high-risk and recurrent cholangiocarcinoma. This advanced cancer treatment procedure allows for a more effective delivery of chemotherapy to liver metastases.

Clinical Trials for Liver Cancer

Our medical oncologists are currently engaged in a variety of clinical trials for liver cancer, including immunotherapy clinical trials. The goal of this work is to create the next new treatment for liver cancer.