Penile (Penis) Cancer Diagnosis

An accurate, fast penile (penis) cancer diagnosis gives you the best chance for a successful outcome. In fact, early-stage penile cancers are often curable.

Our cancer specialists have deep experience detecting and classifying penile cancers quickly and efficiently. They use the most advanced techniques to get you reliable answers. They also continue to improve penile cancer diagnosis through research.

Penis Cancer Diagnosis: Why Choose the Abramson Cancer Center?

At the Abramson Cancer Center, you benefit from a multidisciplinary team of urologic cancer specialists. These experts include urologists, urologic surgeons, radiologists (imaging specialists) and pathologists (lab specialists) — all with special expertise in penile cancer. They work together to get you a timely, detailed diagnosis.

You can expect:

  • Experienced penile cancer specialists: A urologic oncologist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating urologic cancers like penis cancer. At the Abramson Cancer Center, our urologic oncologists lead the way in developing new penis cancer treatments. They use the lessons learned while curing and treating large numbers of penis cancers to improve your care.
  • Urologic cancer radiologists: To diagnose penile cancers, your doctor may order imaging tests. Radiologists are the doctors who review your images. At the Abramson Cancer Center, our radiologists subspecialize in urologic cancers. They use their deep understanding of every stage of penile cancer to identify key details that improve treatment.
  • Pathologists who specialize in urologic cancers: Getting details about the cancer type and predicted behavior helps doctors create effective treatment plans. Our pathologists are experts in urologic cancers. This special knowledge means they can uncover details that better tailor treatments to you.
  • Timely diagnoses: Our urologic cancer advanced practice providers (APPs) make it easier for you to get a timely diagnosis. As leaders in urologic cancer care, they know the right diagnostic tests to use for your situation. They make sure your doctors have the information they need to get you answers quickly.
  • Comprehensive treatments: If you are diagnosed with penile cancer, we develop a treatment plan customized specifically to you. We offer every penile cancer surgery, including options that lead to fewer complications and shorter recoveries. We also offer immunotherapy and chemotherapy creams and the latest, safest radiation therapies. Learn about our penile cancer treatment options.
  • Expertise in preserving sexual and urinary function: Our team includes reconstructive urologists who specialize in restoring and maintaining penis appearance, sexual performance and the ability to urinate. These surgeons team up with our urologic oncologists and dermatologists to treat the cancer while preserving your quality of life.

Get a Second Opinion

If you’ve been diagnosed with penile cancer and want a second opinion, we can help. Call 215-360-0583 to connect with an oncology nurse navigator.

We will need:

  • Imaging relevant to your diagnosis
  • Pathology reports for your diagnosis
  • Any operative notes from your doctors

Our urologic cancer specialists review your medical information, current diagnosis and materials. They then give you a thorough treatment recommendation so you can make informed decisions about your care.

How Is Penile Cancer Diagnosed?

If you notice any unusual areas on your penis, the first thing you should do is see a dermatologist. The dermatologist will perform a physical exam to check for anything unusual. Dermatologists can also perform biopsies to closely examine suspicious tissues if they suspect cancer.

At the Abramson Cancer Center, our dermatologists work closely with our urologic cancer team. Together, they provided detailed diagnoses so they can quickly choose the best treatments for you. Learn more about the Penn Dermatology Oncology Center.

Tests for penile cancer include:


During a biopsy, your doctor removes a tissue sample from your penis. A pathologist then examines it under a microscope for signs of cancer.

Most biopsies do not require a hospital stay. To remove the sample, doctors numb the area with local anesthesia.

There are several types of biopsy:

  • Incisional biopsy: Removes just part of the area of concern
  • Excisional biopsy: Removes the entire area of concern
  • Fine needle aspiration: Removes lymph node fluid
  • Surgical biopsy: Surgically removes one or more lymph nodes

Imaging Tests

You may undergo one or more imaging tests to diagnose penile cancer. Imaging tests for penile cancer include:

  • CT Scan (CAT scan): Shows the size of the tumor and if it has spread
  • MRI: Takes detailed pictures inside your body
  • Penile ultrasound: Uses sound waves to see how deeply cancer has grown into the penis and to locate other tumors

Make an Appointment

Please call 800-789-7366 or request a callback.


What are the stages of penis cancer? Our penile cancer staging experts offer customized plans for your stage and prognosis for a more effective outcome.