Sinus and Nasal Cavity Cancer Risks and Prevention

It is important to understand the risk factors for developing sinus and nasal cancer for prevention and early detection of the disease. Studies show that those who work in certain industries are more likely to develop the disease. Exposure to particular chemicals and elements in the workplace can increase your risk, such as:

  • Wood dusts from carpentry (furniture making and cabinet builders), sawmills, and other wood-related industries
  • Dusts from textiles
  • Leather dusts (shoemaking)
  • Flour (baking and flour milling)
  • Nickel and chromium dust
  • Mustard gas (a poison used in chemical warfare)
  • Radium (a radioactive element rarely used today)

Other risk factors include:

  • Smoking
  • Exposure to the human papillomavirus (HPV)

Sinus and Nasal Cancer Prevention

Although many individuals who develop sinus and nasal cancer do not have any obvious risk factors, it is still important to understand the risks and do what you can to prevent the disease.

Today, awareness has increased in industries where the risks are high, and safety measures have improved to protect workers from exposure to health hazards.

Other ways to prevent sinus and nasal cancer includes:

  • Abstain from smoking
  • Protect yourself from HPV by reducing your number of sexual partners and using condoms. Additionally, an HPV vaccine is now available for adolescents.