What Are Spinal Tumors


Spinal tumors can be categorized as a tumor affecting the spinal cord or spinal column. A spinal cord or spinal column tumor is differentiated based on its location. The tumor may be inside or outside the dura mater and located inside or outside the medulla, or substance of the spinal cord. Depending on its location, these types of tumors are treated very differently.

Spinal Cord Tumors

Spinal Cord Cancers are lesions located inside the spinal cord or dura. Benign spinal cord tumors are often diagnosed as menangiomas, neurofibromas, and schwannomas. Malignant spinal cord tumors include ostoesarcomas, chordomas, and giant cell sarcomas.

Spinal Column Tumors

Spinal Column Cancers affect the bones of the spinal cord and are classified as primary or metastatic. Most spine tumors are metastatic; they originate as cancerous cells elsewhere in the body and metastasize to the spine. Common cancers for this metastasis include lung cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer and prostate cancer.