Below are answers to common questions, including information about password recovery, removing provider profiles and using other PhysicianLink portal features.
Portal Access & Features
Login Issues
Site Administrator
Portal Access & Features
When I am given account access, how will I be notified?
You will receive a confirmation email with your username and password, with instructions on how to log in to PhysicianLink portal.
How long does it take to get PhysicianLink access?
While we typically process requests within 7-10 business days, we are currently experiencing some delays. We are working to address this as quickly as possible and will keep you updated on the status of your request.
Should you have any questions or you do not receive your activation email, please contact our PhysicianLink coordinator at
What educational training is available for PhysicianLink?
Learn more about Physician Link features, such as managing medication lists and viewing patient encounters, by logging on to PhysicianLink and selecting any of the supporting documents in the Quick Links section in your account. The available documents include Tips and Tricks, User Guide, and What’s New.
I have questions about the available features, navigation and functionality issues.
For support contact the Help Desk at 215-662-7474.
How do I message providers through PhysicianLink?
There are two ways you can message with Penn Medicine providers in PhysicianLink: Through your InBasket and Chart Review.
To send a message via InBasket
- Log in to PhysicianLink and click In Basket
- Search for recipient’s name in “to” field
- Send your message
To send a message via Chart Review
- Log in to PhysicianLink
- Select a patient's name
- Click Chart Review
- Select an encounter
- Select Ask a Question
- Send your message
Can I search for a patient if I don’t know their ZIP code?
Yes. To search for a patient, log in to PhysicianLink and click Clinical or Patient Lists. Searches only require the patient's date of birth and sex.
How are patients added to My Patient List?
Patients are automatically added to the referred provider’s My Patient List when they check in. Any identified primary care providers in PhysicianLink will also get this notification.
All other providers seeking to add patients to My Patient List will need to search for their patient. Once an initial search is conducted by anyone in the practice, the patient will automatically show up in this section.
How do I find our practice’s census of patients who are in the hospital?
If you have the appropriate access, click on My Reports, which will display a list of available reports. Select the report that you would like to review and it will be displayed.
If you do not have access to this functionality, please contact the Help Desk by calling 215-662-7474.
What is Chart Review?
In Chart Review, you can access patient demographic and encounters information, among other information, such as patient notes, and lab and imaging results.
For technical support, please contact the Help Desk at 215-662-7474.
I am logged in PhysicianLink and want to step away from my computer for a moment. Is there a way to lock my screen (so I don’t have to log in a second time)?
No. Like any secure system, due to HIPAA, the standard automatic log out time is after seven minutes of inactivity. After seven minutes, you will be logged out and required to log back in.
Login Issues
Am I required to change my password? How do I change my password and set my challenge questions?
Users are required to change their passwords every six months for security purposes. Go to menu and select Settings and select Change Password. We strongly encourage setting up challenge questions as well, in the event that you forget your password in the future. To set up your challenge questions, go to menu and select Settings then select Challenge Questions.
I forgot my password and have set challenge questions. What do I do?
If you know your User ID and have forgotten your password and have enabled Challenge Questions please click here: Forgot your Password.
I forgot my password and have not set challenge questions. What do I do?
If you have NOT created Challenge Questions, reach out to your Site Administrator who can reset your password for you.
If your Site Administrator is not available, please call the Help Desk at 215-662-7474 and select the option for all password issues.
Once you regain access to your account, we highly recommend setting up challenge questions in order to be able to reset your own password in the future.
If you do not know who your Site Administrator is, contact for assistance and provide your practice site name, address and phone number.
I forgot my User ID. What do I do?
If you forgot your user ID, reach out to your Site Administrator who can provide it to you and also reset your password if need be.
If your Site Administrator is unavailable, please call the Help Desk at 215-662-7474 and select the option for all password issues.
If you have enabled Challenge Questions, you can reset your own password.
If you do not know who your Site Administrator is, contact for assistance and provide your practice site name, address and phone number.
What should I do if my login is blocked?
If you have not logged in within a 90-day period, your account will become blocked and you will receive the message “User login is blocked for this account” upon attempting to log in. If this happens, you must reach out to your Site Administrator who can remove the block from your account.
If you do not know your Site Administrator, please email the team at or call the Help Desk at 215-662-7474
What if I need to reset my two-factor authentication (2FA)?
If you have your reset code, on the Enter Your Authentication Code form, click the reset additional authentication hyperlink. Enter the reset code where indicated and select Reset to continue. You can then select the authentication method desired, and start over with a new authentication.
If you do not have your reset code, your site administrator can reset your two-factor authentication. If your Site Administrator is unavailable to assist you, you will need to call the Help Desk at 215-662-7474 to have your 2FA method reset.
I need to reinstate access to my account.
If you need to reinstate an account for an active practice site, contact your site administrator. If you don’t know who your Site Administrator is, please email
If you need to reinstate your account but your practice site is no longer active, then someone from your practice site needs to request a new account for the entire site.
Site Administrator
Is every site required to have an active Site Administrator?
Yes, every site is required to have an active Site Administrator. This person could be a provider, clinical staff member, or non-clinician user.
If your team needs to change their Site Administrator, or if you do not know who your Site Administrator is, please contact for assistance and provide your practice site name, address and phone number.
What is a Site Administrator?
A Site Administrator is a practice's primary point of contact in PhysicianLink. The Site Administrator can:
- Request to add new users (request access for a new user in your practice)
- Delete users (notify Penn Medicine that a user has left the practice)
- Remove the inactivity block from a user's account so he or she can log in
- Obtain usernames for PhysicianLink users in your practice
- Update who is listed as the site administrator for the practice, should your practice's staff change
If your team wishes to change or update their Site Administrator, please email
How can I become listed as the new Site Administrator for my practice in PhysicianLink?
If you already have an active Site Administrator, he or she can use the Admin tab to submit a request to update your role to Site Administrator. If your practice does not currently have an active Site Administrator, please email
If you are replacing a previous Site Administrator, please email once your role has been changed, noting your practice's name and the old Site Administrator account (to be deactivated).
As site administrator, how do I view all of the other PhysicianLink users in my practice?
Click on the Admin tab and select My Groups. This will show a list of all users in your group.
As Site Administrator, how can I verify my practice’s user list?
Click on the Admin tab and select Site Verification, which will give you a list of your current users. From there you can verify whether they are active or not, by selecting Yes or No. Select Acknowledge and Verify to complete the process. You will also be prompted upon log in to verify your account every 90 days.
As Site Administrator, how do I update another user’s role?
You can use the Admin tab to update a user’s role.
As Site Administrator, how do I delete a staff member who leaves the practice?
You can delete users, which removes them immediately.
To delete a staff member, you can follow either of the instruction below:
- Click on the Admin tab and select Site Verification, which will give you a list of your current users. From there you can verify whether they are active or not, by selecting Yes or No. Select Acknowledge and Verify to complete the process.
- Click on the Admin tab and select My Groups. Click on the minus icon to the far right to deactivate the user.
If you have accidentally deleted a user, please request a new PhysicianLink account for them through the Admin tab.
As Site Administrator, how do I add a new user?
You can follow these steps to add a new user:
- Select the Admin tab and click Account Requests.
- Click Request New Account.
- Choose the type of account you want to create. For example, to create an account for a new provider at your site, click Request access for a new provider.
- Enter the user’s demographic information.
- In the User group field, select the user group to which the user should belong.
- Enter a comment about your request, if necessary, and click Submit Request.
- After your request has been processed, the new user will receive a login instructions letter.
As Site Administrator, how do I reset a user’s password?
- Go to Admin tab and select My Groups.
- Select the user and select the key icon ("Change password") to the far right.
- When the screen appears:
- In the New Password field, enter Welcome2!
- In the Verify New Password field, again enter Welcome2!
- In the Password for PhysicianLink Site Admin field, the SA needs to enter their own password.
- Click Accept.
- When the user logs in to PhysicianLink, they will be prompted to enter a new password of their choice.
As Site Administrator, how do I unblock a user?
Click on the Admin tab and select My Groups. Identify the user in question and if they are blocked, they will have a lock icon next to the left of their name. To unblock the user, click on the unlocked lock icon to the far right.