Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services provides patient with answers to frequently asked questions regarding Penn Dermatology's state-of-the-art diagnostic and dermatopathology services.

What are Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services?

Dermatopathology is a subspecialty of both dermatology and surgical pathology focusing on studies of skin (cutaneous) and oral, hair and nail units at a microscopic level. It includes the diagnosis of a variety of disorders. Dermatopathologists specialize in providing consultative services to referring dermatologists and physicians to assist in an appropriate care plan.

How do I schedule an appointment at Penn?

Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services does not offer patient appointments. Penn dermatopathologists or oral pathologists examine tissue sent from a referring dermatologist or other physician. In addition to specimen processing and analysis, dermatopathology services include consultations or reviews of previously read slides to provide a second opinion.

How do I send a specimen to Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services?

Specimens and slides are sent to Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services directly by physicians. If you would like your specimen to be interpreted at Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services, please inform your physician.

How do I request a consultation with Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services?

Consultations at Penn should be requested by a physician. If you are interested in a consultation, discuss the possibility with your health care provider. Your health care provider can send the request and all associated materials to:

Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services
3020 Market Street, Suite 201
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Your health care provider may also call 215-662-6539 for further instructions.

Can I get a copy of my report?

It is important to review your report with your physician first to ensure you understand the report and appropriate treatment plan. At that point, you may request a copy of your report from your physician. A report will be provided to you.

Will my insurance cover these services?

Most medical insurance covers the cost of pathology services. If you have questions specific to your insurance plan, please contact your medical insurance carrier to obtain detailed information.

What if I receive a bill?

If you receive a bill from Penn Medicine for dermatopathology services, your physician chose to include Penn Cutaneous Pathology Services as an integral part of your care plan. You may contact your insurance company to determine if you have a co-pay or partial financial responsibility. If your insurance carrier indicates services should be covered completely, please call 866-DERM-LAB (866-337-6522), select option #3 and someone will assist you promptly.

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