Penn Medicine's Department of Emergency Medicine provides state-of-the-art management in emergency critical care and has been a leader in the field of resuscitation for over 10 years.

Areas of expertise include:

  • The management of critically ill severe sepsis patients with life-threatening infections.
  • The delivery of comprehensive post-arrest care for patients who have return of spontaneous circulation after cardiac arrest. This comprehensive care centers on therapeutic hypothermia, a novel therapy proven to improve survival and neurologic outcomes in comatose post-arrest patients.
  • For cardiac arrest patients who do not have return of spontaneous circulation by conventional CPR techniques, we are one of only a handful of centers in the United States with the capability of placing patients on Emergent Cardiopulmonary Bypass (ECPB) to provide artificial cardiac and pulmonary function until the cause of arrest can be determined and corrected.
  • The management of patients with life-threatening oncology- or organ transplant-related emergencies.
  • Advanced airway management techniques for patients in respiratory failure.
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