If the lung transplant team determines that transplantation is the best option to improve the patient’s health and wellness, and the patient agrees, the patient’s name and select clinical information is registered with the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS).

For more information about how donor lungs are assigned to specific recipients (people who are waiting), please download this guide for lung transplant candidates about lung allocation.

When lungs from a donor become available, a Penn transplant surgeon will assess the condition of the lungs to determine if they are right for you. If so, the transplant team will begin to prepare you for surgery.

Patient and Caregiver Commitment to Lung Transplantation

Patients and caregivers are advised to make many preparations before the patient is placed on the waiting list. Because successful transplantation requires being well prepared for transplant and a lifelong commitment to taking care of oneself and the new lung(s) following transplant, patients and their caregivers are asked to sign a promise to make the following commitment:
  1. I will provide the transplant team with complete, accurate and timely information about my health and life circumstances and will update them should my circumstances change.   
  2. I will establish and maintain a relationship with a primary care provider and a primary pulmonologist in my community. I understand that I am responsible for immediately notifying the transplant team of any changes in my health including hospitalizations, medication changes or the development of new health problems. 
  3. I will cooperate with all hospital personnel and ask questions if directions and or procedures are not clearly understood.
  4. I will attend all of my scheduled appointments. This includes office visits, rehabilitation sessions, laboratory and diagnostic testing appointments. If I must cancel,  I will give notice and reschedule.
  5. I take responsibility for learning as much as I can about my lung health, the transplant process and what I will need to do to care for myself for the rest of my life.  I have received and reviewed the patient education material provided by the lung transplant team and I have had the opportunity to ask questions. I understand that the lung transplant team is available to answer any questions that I or my support people have about the transplant process. 
  6. I will take responsibility for learning as much as I can about my medications and I will take them as prescribed. I will talk with my transplant doctor, nurse practitioner if I have any difficulty obtaining, paying for or taking my prescribed medications or therapies.
  7. I will be responsible for expenses associated with transplantation that are not covered by insurance (e.g., medication co-pays, transportation costs, lodging fees).  I will learn what costs will and will not be covered by my insurance and will work with my support people to ensure that I have money set aside to pay for any out of pocket expenses. I will discuss the need for fundraising with the lung transplant social worker and will alert the transplant team immediately if financial difficulties arise.
  8. I will remain within two hours of the transplant center while I am on the waiting list and will have a transportation plan arranged in advance. I will obtain and maintain a mobile telephone so that the transplant team can reach me urgently when I am not at home.  I will keep this phone on my person at all times when not at home. I will notify the transplant team in advance if, for any reason, I am unavailable or unable to come to the hospital for transplant.  
  9. I understand that for the first three months following hospital discharge, I must return to the hospital for close monitoring and follow up care including pulmonary rehabilitation and physical therapy three times per week.  Before my transplant, I will make arrangements to stay in the Philadelphia area after my transplant surgery accompanied by a support person.
  10. I will manage my weight and follow recommended nutrition restrictions and guidelines.
  11. I will exercise at least three times a week in order to stay physically fit for the rest of my life.
  12. I will remain smoke and nicotine free for the rest of my life. I will limit the use of alcohol as advised by the transplant team. I will not use illicit drugs or substances. I am willing to have blood /urine testing to screen for drugs, nicotine and alcohol. I understand that I may be required to produce documentation of attendance at substance abuse counseling or support meetings.  
  13. I understand that evidence of illegal or unhealthy behavior is reason to be refused transplantation.
  14. I name the individuals below as the support people who will help me to take care of myself. I give the transplant team permission to discuss my care with them.
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