Lipid disorder, LDL Apheresis

Doug ate well and worked out, but still his cholesterol was off the charts. Doug chose Penn because we are one of the only places in the country to offer LDL Apheresis, a treatment that filters that fat out of his blood.

Doug ate well and worked out, but his cholesterol was still off the charts. He had 26 cardiac catheterizations in nine years, and he was afraid that his condition would continue to deteriorate.

Doug didn't want to settle for a life like that. That's why he chose Penn. We didn't settle either.

We literally filtered the fat out of his blood with a unique treatment called LDL Apheresis. Penn is one of the only places in the country to offer this treatment, and now Doug can live his life without fear.

Need an appointment? Request one online 24 hours/day, 7 days/week or call 800-789-7366 (PENN) to speak to a referral counselor.

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