Anyone with signs of moderate or severe TBI should receive medical attention as soon as possible.

At Penn, we take care of all patients with traumatic brain injuries. Our office offers a consultation service for any patients hospitalized at PPMC with indications of a TBI. We also provide medical care for patients with mild TBI who did not require hospitalization or those who experience persistent TBI symptoms after their brain injury.

Our TBI Outpatient Clinic provides continuing neurological support for patients who experience the long-term consequences of TBI. TBI has recently been recognized as a chronic health condition rather than just an acute event that begins at the time of injury and often has chronic effects that may persist long after the injury. 

When Should Patients Visit The TBI Outpatient Clinic? 

  • Patients discharged from the hospital after being admitted for a TBI should see us in the outpatient clinic within 2 to 4 weeks after injury.
  • Patients who did not require hospitalization, but have persistent neurological symptoms lasting more than 4 weeks after injury and fail to respond to treatments prescribed by primary care providers.

What The TBI Outpatient Clinic can offer?

  • Comprehensive assessment
  • Treatment and Medication
  • Imaging Tests
  • Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • Coping and Support Resources
  • Relevant Clinical Trials

The Penn TBI Outpatient Clinic Location:

Penn Medicine University City
8th Floor
3737 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA  19104

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