doctor looking at mri

Nerve conditions can be hard to diagnose, and many patients live for years without an explanation or effective treatment for their muscle weakness or pain. Our specialists understand that the cause of a nerve condition is not always obvious and often requires a bit of detective work to uncover. We also know that the sooner you are diagnosed, the better your prognosis is expected to be.

The diagnostic process begins with a detailed review of your medical history. During this part of your exam, you will be asked many questions about your nerve condition including when symptoms began, the types of symptoms you experience, and the severity of your symptoms. Your doctor will also perform an in-depth physical exam to identify the source of your nerve condition. Physicians from several specialty areas may be involved in the evaluation process to ensure nothing is missed.

In cases where the cause of the nerve condition isn't obvious, our team will use diagnostic imaging studies.

Nerve Condition Diagnostic Testing

At the Penn Nerve Center, we use the latest technology available to determine the cause of your nerve condition and to develop a personalized plan of care. Our radiologists are specially trained in the imaging of these complex structures and the interpretation of these sophisticated studies.

  • Electromyography (EMG) is used to record the electrical activity in muscle. It can identify abnormalities in the muscles or nerves resulting from peripheral neuropathy, nerve degeneration or damage to the protective covering (myelin sheath) that surrounds the nerves in your brain or spinal cord.
    • How to Prepare for an EMG:
      • Don't use lotion, bath oils or creams.
      • Wear comfortable clothing.
      • Continue taking your usual medications unless otherwise instructed.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): An MRI creates an image or scan of the spine, neuro axis, brachial plexus, lumbosacral plexus, or other areas of concern for your doctors to review. MRI is used to determine if there is an underlying reason for your nerve condition, such as inflammation or a nerve tumor or cyst.
    • How to Prepare for an MRI:
      • Wear comfortable clothing.
      • Remove any metal objects on your body or clothes.
      • Continue taking your usual medications unless otherwise instructed.
  • Ultrasonography: Ultrasonography uses ultrasound to evaluate the peripheral nerves so that problems can be identified. It can precisely measure the depth and width of the nerve to help diagnose nerve damage or injuries resulting from tumors such as neurofibromas or schwannomas, neuropathy, or peripheral nerve entrapment. Ultrasonography is also a valuable tool in the treatment of certain nerve conditions.
    • How to Prepare for Ultrasonography:
      • Wear comfortable clothing.
      • Continue taking your usual medications unless otherwise instructed.

Once your nerve condition has been diagnosed, your Penn Nerve Center team will work to develop a customized treatment plan.

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