What Is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis is the persistent inflammation of the eyelids. The membrane covering the eyelid and eyeball (conjunctiva) can also become inflamed. Blepharitis is a common condition and often occurs in otherwise healthy people. The condition rarely threatens the eye itself or causes permanent loss of vision.

Cause of Blepharitis

The exact cause of blepharitis is not known. However, it appears to be caused by an abnormality in the oil producing glands on the eyelids. These oil-producing glands are known as meibomian glands - hence another name for this condition is meibomitis.

Abnormal bacteria in and around these glands may contribute to the condition.

Blepharitis seems to be more common in people who have oily skin, dandruff, and dry eyes and is extremely common in people with rosacea.

Symptoms of Blepharitis

The inflammation of the eyelids can cause the following persistent symptoms:

  • Irritation and itching
  • Red eye
  • Dandruff-like scales and particles along the eyelids and lashes
  • Swelling and tenderness of the eyelids

In This Section

Treatments and Procedures

There are a variety of noninvasive treatments that can help control the symptoms of blepharitis. Find out which may be right for you.

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