When meeting with their ophthalmologist, patients should be sure to include information on special lifestyle concerns, such as computer use, to help the doctor find the right prescription for their needs. With this in mind, the doctor may find that a person who does not normally need glasses should wear them when using a computer. Additionally, the ophthalmologist can diagnose whether another unsuspected disease is the cause of certain symptoms and recommend treatment options.

Eyeglasses wearers need to make sure that their glasses sit properly on their face. When glasses are fitted, the optical center (OC) of each lens is placed directly in front of the eyes. If the glasses slip down toward the nose, the OC shifts to below the center of the eyes. This decreases the power of the lenses, which blurs vision and makes eyestrain more prevalent. A slip also causes neck strain when one tilts their head up to compensate for the move of the OC. To prevent slippage, adjust the stems and nosepieces of the frames, or see a professional to refit the glasses.

Bifocal, trifocal, and progressive addition lens users need to be especially aware of the fit of their glasses. The nature of these vision prescriptions make it more difficult for the wearer to see things straight ahead and at an arm's length away, which is the suggested placement of a computer screen. Consequently, those who use these special optical aids report even more CVS-related symptoms, especially eye and neck strain and focusing problems. To reduce these symptoms, the height of a bifocal may need to be raised, the power of the lenses may need to be adjusted, or special glasses designed specifically for computer use may need to be prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

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