Provider wearing gloves while holding patient's hand

The specialists at the Penn Integrated Hand Program are widely recognized for performing innovative procedures such as replantation of amputated digits, microvascular reconstruction and free flap surgical techniques.

We are highly experienced in treating complex cases including nerve reattachment, bone, tendon and tissue repair. We work collaboratively as a diverse team of orthopaedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, hand therapists and others to provide complete surgical care and rehabilitation.

Reconstructive hand surgery may be necessary if you've experienced any of the following:

  • Amputation
  • Burn
  • Congenital abnormality
  • Detachment of fingers or the entire hand
  • Injury/accident/falls
  • Mangled hand and upper extremity trauma

What is microvascular surgery of the hand?

The Penn Integrated Hand Program uses the most advanced surgical microvascular technique, which demands delicate and precise use of a microscope to repair nerves, tendons, tissues and arteries of the hand and fingers.

This surgical approach requires a specialist to work on tiny blood vessels, ranging from three to five millimeters in diameter, by using a special microscope. Our surgeons also use specialized instruments such as very small needles that can produce very fine stitches.

Microvascular surgery allows us to restore blood supply and repair nerves and prevent total loss of your hand or finger.

What is a tissue transfer?

Hand reconstruction may require the transfer of tissue (either from your own body or from a donor) to close large wounds. We use microvascular surgery to reattach blood vessels from the flaps to your hand to provide skin coverage and promote healing.

These are demanding surgical procedures that require a team of specialists. At the Penn Integrated Hand Program, you'll find a team of orthopedic and plastic surgeons for comprehensive and collaborative care for bone, soft tissue, nerve, and wound problems.

Limb Salvage Expertise

Our team also works with other specialists at Penn including the Penn Orthoplastic Limb Salvage Center, the only program of its kind in the nation that provides unique expertise for patients that are at high-risk of limb amputation or in need of functional limb restoration.

With more specialists on your case, the availability of advanced surgical technology, and in one convenient location, the Penn Integrated Hand Program is ready to treat you — no matter how simple or complex your case.

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