Female nurse examining patient's hand and wrist

At the Penn Integrated Hand Program, we offer a wide range of hand and wrist treatment options for tendon injuries. Our orthopaedic and plastic surgeons specialize in tailoring treatment plans to meet your unique needs and provide non-surgical and surgical solutions for your hand and wrist tendon pain.

Tendons are the tissues that attach your bones to the muscles. When you flex your muscles, the tendons move your bones. The tendons in the hands are easy to injure because we use them so often. You can also experience tendon pain due to arthritis.

If you do injure the tendons in your hand or wrist, you may have trouble bending or straightening your fingers. Tendon damage can cause pain, stiffness, swelling and tenderness.

Your hands are among the most complex parts of your body, which means you need specialized care after a tendon injury in your hand or fingers. We created the Penn Integrated Hand Program to bring expert orthopaedic hand surgeons, plastic surgeons and other specialists together to provide the best non-surgical and surgical options for you.

Learn more about how we treat tendon injuries:

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