Penn Orthopaedics brings together teams of physicians, surgeons, nurses and physical therapists who have a special focus in diagnosing, treating and studying certain orthopaedic conditions. We call these areas of focus or specialties "programs and centers."

Our programs and centers allow us to bring new advancements in technology and more treatment options to the forefront of orthopaedic medicine, as well as create more personalized treatment plans for our patients. 

Learn about each of our orthopaedic programs and centers below.

The Cartilage Center

The Penn Center for Advanced Cartilage Repair and Osteochondritis Dissecans Treatment is dedicated to cartilage repair and osteochondritis dissecans (OCD).

Center for the Female Athlete

The Penn Center for the Female Athlete at Penn Medicine specifically focuses on treating the bone, muscle and joint conditions of physically active women.

Hip Preservation Center

The Penn Hip Preservation Center performs various types of non-surgical and surgical intervention to delay or prevent the onset of arthritis and the need for hip replacement.

Joint Replacement Program

The Penn Joint Replacement Program brings together a team of doctors, nurses and physical therapists who take a whole-body approach to diagnosing and treating hip and knee arthritis and chronic pain.

Neuro-Orthopaedics Program

Penn Neuro-Orthopedics offers the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment for conditions like brain injury and stroke.

Orthopaedic Oncology

Orthopaedic oncologists care for bone and soft tissue tumors throughout the body, with a focus on those found in the arms, legs, and pelvis. If you think you might have one of these tumors or want a second opinion, our experienced team can help.

Sports Medicine Program

We know you want to get back to your favorite activities. Learn about our unique approach to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports-related injuries.

Trauma and Fracture Program

Broken bones, regardless of their complexity, require specialized care. The experts at the Penn Orthopaedic Trauma and Fracture program offer treatment, surgical reconstruction, and long-term rehabilitation for all types of fractures.

Regenerative Sports Medicine

The Penn Regenerative Sports Medicine Program uses leading non-surgical treatments to strengthen the body’s natural healing process.

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