Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that gives sperm a better chance at fertilizing an egg. This treatment can improve pregnancy chances for some couples and individuals.

During intercourse, only a few hundred sperm reach the egg under ideal conditions. But with IUI, your doctor places millions of healthy sperm directly in the uterus, much closer to the egg.

IUI can benefit couples and individual females who wish to have a biological child.

What Is IUI?

IUI is a type of artificial insemination. Artificial insemination means that doctors insert sperm inside the uterus to achieve pregnancy.

The IUI process is short and involves minimal discomfort. It involves two parts:

  1. Doctors collect a sperm sample and "wash" it, which removes debris and sperm that are not motile (moving) or healthy.
  2. Doctors use a catheter (thin tube) to place the washed sperm directly in the uterus (womb). With this method, sperm bypasses the vagina and cervix, giving it a "head start" on reaching the egg to fertilize it.

Who Qualifies for Intrauterine Insemination?

Doctors may recommend IUI for couples who:

  • Have been trying to conceive for at least one year without a known cause of infertility
  • Include a male partner who has subfertile semen parameters (slightly lower sperm count or motility)
  • Include a female partner who has scar tissue on the cervix
  • Want to use donor sperm to get pregnant

IUI is not just for couples. It may also benefit individuals who want to use donor sperm to get pregnant.

If one partner has very low sperm count or is infertile, in vitro fertilization (IVF) or specialized male fertility services such as azoospemia may better options. These services can help people who have been told they have few or no healthy sperm.

Your IUI Fertility Treatment Options

We customize the IUI process based on your needs. We use hormone assessments and imaging tests to determine the ideal time to perform the procedure. We perform IUI with:

  • Natural ovulation (release of an egg): If you're ovulating regularly, you may wish to undergo IUI during your time of ovulation. With this method, you don't take medications to induce ovulation. We plan your IUI procedure on your optimal fertile day.
  • Ovulation induction: If you're not ovulating regularly, you may choose ovulation induction with IUI. You take medications that stimulate egg development. We plan your IUI procedure based on your hormone and ultrasound test results that show when your eggs are ready.
  • Partner sperm: If a couple chooses to use a male partner's sperm, we collect the sperm and prepare it for IUI. Our sperm banking services help people who wish to preserve sperm before medical treatment.
  • Donor sperm: You can use donor sperm if you don't wish to use a partner's sperm. We typically coordinate the sperm donation from an outside sperm bank or from a known sperm donor.

IUI Procedures at Penn Medicine: Why Choose Us

Our expertise in fertility care boosts pregnancy success for individuals and couples throughout the region. You benefit from:

  • World leaders in IUI: Penn doctors pioneered intrauterine insemination. And a large study published in the New England Journal of Medicine verified it as a safe and effective infertility treatment. Today, IUI continues to be a valuable tool to treat infertility and increase the chances of successful pregnancy.
  • Fellowship-trained experts: Our male infertility team works closely with our reproductive endocrinologists to provide coordinated, complete care for your family. Reproductive endocrinologists are obstetricians/gynecologists who specialize in hormones and fertility. Ours have decades of experience performing IUI procedures. They know how to perform each step of the IUI process at the optimal time, boosting your chances of pregnancy. Learn more about our fertility treatment specialists.
  • Complete, customized care: We offer the full range of fertility care for IUI, including ovulation induction and sperm collection. We tailor your fertility plan based on your medical needs and individual preferences.
  • On-site, specialized andrology lab: Our specialized andrology team performs advanced sperm washing techniques. Because our lab is on-site, your sperm sample remains fresh and avoids damage from travel. Our process ensures you get the highest quality sperm for your procedure.
  • Comprehensive genetic and hormonal testing options: Our team evaluates all areas of fertility for you and your partner to boost your chances of success. We perform the full range of hormonal and sperm tests to ensure you have a clear diagnosis and path forward.
  • Compassionate, family-friendly care: At Penn, we believe in comfort and inclusion. Our private environment feels home-like and accommodates you and your partner (if you choose to have them there for support). We welcome all types of couples and single individuals who choose us for their IUI care.

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