Options for When You're Ready

Even if you aren’t prepared for pregnancy right now, we can help you preserve your fertility for the best chance of building a family later.  

A young woman resting her chin on her hand and thinking

You know you want a family someday, but you might not be ready yet. Perhaps you're facing cancer, reproductive conditions, lack of a supportive partner or medical treatment.

Our Fertility Preservation Program can help you protect and preserve healthy sperm or eggs to use later. If you want to keep your fertility options open, we can help.

Fertility Preservation: The Penn Medicine Advantage

Whether your reasons are medical or emotional, we understand that preserving your fertility is an important and personal decision. Our Fertility Preservation Program provides:

  • Proactive approach: Our specialized program is designed to help you preserve your fertility before possible fertility loss. Many people choose to preserve fertility before cancer treatment, medical procedures or because of genetic conditions that lead to infertility. Our compassionate team will also answer all your questions so you can feel comfortable and confident in your decision.
  • Advanced testicular sperm extractions: Our fellowship-trained male infertility specialists perform delicate sperm extractions that aren't commonly available. These methods are helpful for people with no sperm in their ejaculate (azoospermia). Read more about our azoospermia treatment services.
  • Complete team: Our fertility doctors closely collaborate with other specialties, like medical oncology and radiation oncology (for people with cancer). We collect sperm or eggs efficiently and safely to preserve female and male fertility without delaying lifesaving cancer treatments.
  • LGBTQ+ care: Our team cares for trans women who wish to preserve sperm before hormonal treatment or gender-affirming surgery. Learn more about our LGBTQ Family Building Program.

Types of Male Fertility Preservation

Our male fertility preservation team specializes in collecting and storing sperm so you can be a parent later. Our sperm banking service preserves male fertility before cancer treatment, hormonal treatment or anytime you're interested in preserving healthy sperm.

Types of Female Fertility Preservation

Penn Fertility Care offers advanced reproductive technologies for females who wish to preserve their fertility.

Donor eggs

Donor egg therapies can be part of your intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. If you have ovarian insufficiency after cancer therapy, for example, you may choose donor eggs after completing your cancer treatment. Learn more about our Donor Egg Program.

Egg freezing

Storage of frozen eggs, also known as egg cryopreservation, may be an option for females who:

  • Currently don't have a committed partner, but who wish to have biological children in the future
  • Are going to begin cancer treatment

Learn more about our services for egg freezing.

Embryo freezing

Embryo cryopreservation (freezing and storing embryos) works well for individuals who are ready to start a family.

During this process, our doctors:

  1. Combine the egg and sperm in a dish
  2. Insert the sperm into the egg with a special pipette (tube) if needed
  3. Freeze and store the embryo (fertilized egg) for you

Ovarian tissue banking and cryopreservation

Saving your ovarian tissue may be an option to preserve your fertility before you undergo cancer therapies. Ovarian tissue banking involves a minor surgical procedure to remove an entire ovary or piece of an ovary.

Our doctors then use cryopreservation (freezing) to keep the tissue safe until you're ready to use it. Then, doctors re-implant your ovarian tissue in your body to give you a chance at pregnancy.

Premature Menopause Program

Premature (early) menopause may happen after cancer therapy. Our experts can address your specific hormonal needs and discuss your fertility options.

Make an Appointment

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In This Section

Sperm Banking

Our sperm banking collects and freezes sperm for use later in life. Sperm banking can preserve fertility before medical care.

Egg Freezing

We offer egg freezing as an option to preserve fertility. Our fertility specialists have helped many women get pregnant with their frozen eggs.

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