Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Couple holding hands

I am 35 and my husband is 38. I am currently pregnant with our first child following infertility treatment. I had intrauterine insemination performed at Penn Fertility Care. I was so unhappy with my former doctor and really believe that we would still be suffering if I had not contacted Penn Fertility last spring. You are entitled to good care and must seek it out, especially if you are older, like me.

While we were trying, I found a lot of solace and support online. Many of the infertility blogs I came across made me cry, but they also made me laugh, gave me hope, and reassured me that I wasn't alone. I wasted a lot of time (one and a half years) with my OB-GYN and then the reproductive endocrinologist I was seeing before.

I had endured tons of blood tests and an HSG (all normal), but was told I wasn't ovulating. When I was given a prescription for a high dose of Clomid last spring and told, in response to a question about what that recommended course of treatment was based on, that it was "based on 15 years of clinical experience", I decided it was time to find a new doctor.

A friend from work told me about Penn Fertility. Shortly after my first visit, they did post-coital test and suggested, based on the results, that we try a few cycles of intrauterine insemination. The first attempt didn't work, but the second one did. Less than three months after my first appointment I was finally pregnant!

We are expecting a baby girl in the spring and we are thrilled. My advice to others suffering through infertility is to be proactive: switch doctors if you don't like yours/don't feel she is taking you seriously/giving you good care--and above all, do not lose hope! You WILL have the family you are dreaming of, even if it doesn't happen as fast as you would like.

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