A vasectomy doesn't have to be the end of your fertility. If you wish to undo a vasectomy, we have highly effective options to help you have a biological child.

Are Vasectomies Reversible?

Although vasectomy can be a permanent method of sterilization, doctors can often reverse it. A vasectomy reversal gives you the chance to have a biological child again.

Vasectomy is a procedure that clamps or re-routes the vas deferens (tube that carries sperm to semen). You don't stop making sperm after a vasectomy. Instead, the sperm is blocked from mixing with semen, so it doesn't come out during ejaculation.

A vasectomy reversal re-connects the vas deferens so sperm mixes with semen again. The sperm can come out in your ejaculate, so you are once again fertile.

How Successful Is a Vasectomy Reversal?

Vasectomy reversal success rates can vary. They depend on:

  • How long it's been since you had your vasectomy (If you have a reversal within 10 years of vasectomy, the success rate is up to 95 percent.)
  • Your age and health status
  • Skill and experience of your surgeon

Vasectomy Reversal: Why Choose Us?

Our vasectomy reversal services are among the best in the nation. Our doctors provide care throughout Philadelphia, southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey, but we also treat patients from across the U.S. You benefit from:

  • Comprehensive team: Our specialists support you in all your fertility needs. We offer complete infertility treatment, including in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI). We customize your care based on how you wish to build your family. We also offer alternatives to vasectomy reversal, such as surgical sperm extraction. Meet our vasectomy reversal specialists.
  • Specialized andrology lab: Our on-site andrology lab is dedicated to male fertility and sperm testing. Because our lab is right here, there's no risk of sperm damage during transport. The sample is fresh, so you get the most accurate information about your fertility. After your vasectomy reversal, our advanced tests provide you with clear results that guide your next steps.
  • Alternate fertility options: If vasectomy reversal isn't an option for you, you may be able to have a biological child through our advanced sperm retrieval techniques. In 98 percent of patients, we can collect sperm using these procedures. Even if you've been diagnosed with azoospermia (no sperm in the ejaculate), you have options with these procedures. Learn more about our azoospermia services.

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