This set of videos help you understand what to expect at the end of life and how to properly care for your loved one.

Knowing What to Expect at End of Life- Signs and Symptoms

The nurse reviews common end-of-life signs like sleeping more, decreased eating, fever, and breathing changes. She explains restlessness, confusion, and difficulty in breathing to help caregivers understand what is happening and provide comfort for their loved one at end of life.

Food and Nutrition at End of Life

In this video, the nurse shares that loss of appetite is common. She suggests offering favorite foods, supplements, and high calorie shakes. The focus should be comfort, not forcing food. Dehydration and options like ice chips are reviewed. She explains why feeding tubes are not recommended.

Body Function at End of Life

The nurse describes common changes like constipation and gives tips like following the bowel protocol. Incontinence supplies and managing nausea and vomiting are also reviewed. The goal is to understand changes and support comfort.

Tips for Hands-On Caregivers

The nurse gives tips for bathing, like washing small areas at a time to prevent chills. She suggests lotion for dry skin and frequent repositioning to prevent bed sores. Regular oral care is emphasized along with tips like using a bowl for spitting and raising the head of bed.

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