This set of videos focuses on the importance of self-care while caring for a loved one, including techniques for breathing, meditation and using music for relaxation.

Caring for Yourself so You Can Care for Them

This video stresses the importance of caregiver self-care to avoid burnout. The spiritual counselor suggests deep breathing, taking walks, aromatherapy, naps when possible, and spiritual practices. Additional tips include enjoying a cup of tea, getting a massage, or sitting quietly.

The Power of Music

This video review how music builds connection and improves mood. Tips are provided on tailoring playlists to enhance a patient’s mood and can aid in relaxation and mindfulness.

Taking a Breath

This video highlights how breathing deeply reduces anxiety and tension. A guided breathing exercise has the listener focus on belly breaths, keeping the chest relaxed. This simple practice can be done anytime.

Mindfulness, Meditation, and Guided Imagery

This video features a loving kindness meditation, which can increase calmness and care for self and others. Light imagery is used along with repeating phrases of well wishes. The video also suggests resources and phone apps for guided meditations.

Grief and Bereavement

This video highlights how grief is a normal response to loss that can occur even before a loved one dies. Common emotional, physical, and social impacts of grief are review. Tips to cope include communication, self-care activities, and seeking support. Bereavement services like counseling, support groups, and check-ins are highlighted for after a death occurs.

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