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Your height doesn't define who you are. But for many people, being tall can add to your confidence, self-esteem and outlook on the world. If you would like to gain up to six inches of height, then the Total Aesthetic Limb Lengthening & Extremity Reconstruction (TALLER) program at Penn Medicine could be for you.

Get TALLER With Penn Medicine

The TALLER program is one of only a handful in the world and is ideal for people who want a discreet, less-invasive way to increase their height.

Achieve Your New Height in Months

The TALLER procedure lengthens either the femur (thigh) or tibia (lower leg) between ½ and 1 millimeter a day for approximately three months depending on the amount of height you'd like. And, because Penn providers use an advanced limb lengthening technology instead of the traditional approach, the procedure is discreet, involves minimal discomfort, and reduces any risk of infection.

Unlike other approaches that use a bulky, external "cage" and protruding fixtures, TALLER uses a device that is implanted within your leg and hidden from view. The process begins with a surgery to insert a mechanized rod into your leg. This is placed in either the femur, the tibia or sometimes in both bones. After the procedure, you'll use a magnetic hand-held device to rotate the gears of the rod from the outside of your leg each day. This causes the rod to extend slightly.

As bones lengthen, muscle, tendons, nerves, skin and arteries also respond and grow. The amount of time for the lengthening depends upon the desired height.

Once lengthening is complete and the bones have begun to heal, you will enter the recovery stage. This involves physical therapy and an increase in weight bearing activity.

The Penn Experience

The TALLER program is a service of the Penn Orthoplastic Limb Salvage Center, a globally recognized program that adheres to the highest standard of quality. The Center's surgeons are experts with extensive limb lengthening experience drawing upon the full complement of Penn Medicine's resources to ensure you receive exceptional care.

The TALLER procedure is considered an elective surgery, and as such, is not covered by insurance.

Our Surgeon: Dr. Samir Mehta

Samir Mehta, MDHe has been recognized by Best Doctors in America in 2009 - 2012, and 2015 - 2018 along with several additional teaching awards.

Over the past 10 years, Dr. Mehta has had extensive experience preforming numerous limb lengthening procedures throughout his practice. This includes the use of lengthening for clinical reasons including trauma, malunion/nonunion, cancer resection, disease (such as scoliosis, polio), congenital defect (such as hemimelia), as well as aesthetic reasons including dwarfism, premature puberty, constitutional low stature.

Contact Us

Is the TALLER program right for you? Contact us by filling out our online form or calling us at 215-294-9654

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