Benjamin Chang, MD, plastic surgeon at Penn Medicine, discusses the benefits of choosing microsurgery.
Dr. Brett Chatman, shares how his love of helping people influenced his decision to become a podiatrist.
Suhail K. Kanchwala, MD, Plastic Surgeon at Penn Medicine, shares how plastic surgery helps treat the whole person, after a breast cancer diagnosis.
Stephen J. Kovach, III, MD, shares how reconstructive microsurgery at Penn Plastic Surgery changes lives.
Ines C. Lin, MD, plastic surgeon at Penn Medicine, discusses the benefits of having a diverse, experienced and specialized team of plastic surgeons.
Ivona Percec, MD, PhD, plastic surgeon and director of Penn Plastic Surgery’s Skin Care Program, her surgical approach to cosmetic surgery.
Joseph Serletti, MD, chief of plastic surgery at Penn Medicine, discusses how the spirit of collegiality and expertise at Penn Plastic Surgery benefits patient care.
Dr. Wink, Orthopedic Surgeon and Plastic Surgeon at Penn Medicine, knew from an early age—as he spent time building wooden airplanes with his grandfather—that he wanted to do hands-on work that would physically impact people’s lives.
Dr. William Brownell, III, Foot and Ankle Surgeon at Penn Medicine, always had a desire to be in the medical field. As a division one athlete, he had to work with his own personal injuries. Now being on the other side, his profession allows him to help patients get back to an active and healthy
“People think of it as an aesthetic issue only. Which is what you see on the media and on television shows, but it’s really more about recreating a whole for my patients,” said Dr. Fosnot.
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