melissa headshot

Navigating your teenage years can be complicated. With so many changes – physical, mental, and emotional – unfolding at once, having someone who you can turn to who "gets it" can make all the difference. It certainly did for Melissa Bemer.

Melissa started seeing Janice K. Hillman, MD, chair of Penn Medicine's Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Department, when she was 12. She continued seeing her through high school. Now 35, Bemer has seen Elizabeth Rainville, PA-C, a physician assistant in the department, for the last 15 years. She's grateful for their consistent presence in her life over the last two decades.

"I certainly benefitted from the stability that came from having Dr. Hillman and Beth in my life as I was going through so many developmental changes," she said. "They're both also big inspirations to me. I just finished nursing school and am working for Penn Medicine. After observing and benefitting from Dr. Hillman and Beth's high-quality, patient-centered care, I knew I really wanted to be a nurse here. I've always felt accepted and validated by them," she added. "And if I didn't realize how important that was to me at the time, I do now."

Melissa says that Dr. Hillman and Beth made it clear that anything she discussed in her appointments was confidential. This enabled her to ask questions and share parts of her life that could be awkward for a teen. "I think, because I could be honest with them, they were better able to tailor their care to my specific needs," said Melissa. "This individual attention is one of the main reasons I continue to see them."

Many tend to think of their primary care provider only when it's time for their annual physical or they're hit especially hard by the flu, but a primary care provider can also be a trusted ally during life's unpredictable moments. Melissa experienced such an instance seven years ago, when she lost her mother. Being able to confide in Beth helped her through the aftermath, she says. Conversely, when Melissa got married, she made sure to send Beth photos of the wedding.

"Dr. Hillman will always have a special place in my heart, but I've really appreciated the chance to get to know Beth. She's very down to earth, and she has a great sense of humor," Melissa said. "They've always made me feel like I'm a person they're invested in, not just a number."

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