Maxillomandibular Advancement (MMA)

In some people with sleep apnea, the side walls of the throat collapse when they take a breath in. This is known as lateral wall collapse.

A maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) is a surgical procedure that moves the upper and lower jaws forward about 10 millimeters, which enlarges the upper airway. Before this procedure, surgeons use a technology called virtual surgical planning (VSP) to determine the precise placement of the jaw bones.

MMA requires a two-night hospital stay, and most people take one to two months to fully recover.

Genioglossus Advancement

The lower jaw, known as the mandible, keeps the tongue in place. If your lower jaw is too small, your tongue will be set too far back, constricting airflow in your throat. This condition is known as tongue base collapse.

A genioglossus advancement is a minimally-invasive procedure in which surgeons detach the chin bone and place it in a more forward position. This pulls your lower jaw forward and firms up your tongue, making it less likely to block your airway when you're asleep.

Recovery from genioglossus advancement typically takes one week, and most people notice improvement after one month.

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