Tobacco use is a disorder that crosses many disciplines of science. Caring for smokers requires a basic understanding of relevant principles of neuroscience, psychology, social science, and medicine. The Quit Smoking Comfortably curriculum seeks to organize these principles in a meaningful way, and integrate them with the goals and ideals of the US Public Health Service Guidelines for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence. In this manner, the Quit Smoking Comfortably curriculum provides a framework for providing high quality, evidence-based, longitudinal care to tobacco dependent patients, in a manner that is adaptable to the individual’s needs, and accessible to all segments of the population.

The goals of this program are to:

  1. Approach quitting as a step-by-step process, not one big event.
  2. Help participants learn how to anticipate cues and triggers that lead to smoking and relapse.
  3. Guide participants in the development of problem solving and coping skills to deal with difficult situations.
  4. Clarify myths and provide facts about nicotine replacement products and educate participants about how to use nicotine patches, gum and lozenges.
  5. Review past quit attempts in a nonjudgmental and supportive way, to help identify valuable lessons learned and understand that relapse is often part of this chronic condition rather than a “failure.”
  6. Continue to encourage participants by reinforcing positive messages.
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