Our course is accredited by the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence.

This combination of teaching methods is felt to provide an efficient and structured mechanism for building tobacco dependence treatment skills among health care professionals. Course content is designed to help students master the ATTUD Core Competencies & Skill Sets. Because of the nature of our audience, our goal is to ensure Proficient skill levels for competencies directly related to patient care and counseling.  Contact us at PennStop@uphs.upenn.edu for more information or register for upcoming training seminars.

The Biological Basis of Nicotine Dependence

Description: An understanding of the biological underpinnings of addiction is essential to accurately identifying common dependence behaviors, and to characterizing response to therapies. A solid familiarity with biological terms assists with communication and in self-directed learning. This seminar is designed to sharpen the trainees' understanding of addiction biology and prepare them to integrate future advances in addiction science into their treatment routines.

Objectives: At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Characterize the distortions in neurophysiology that lead to dependence behaviors.
  • Identify the major neurologic targets for pharmacotherapeutic and behavioral interventions.
  • Describe the biologic basis for employing the chronic illness paradigm in tobacco use treatment.
  • Describe the biologic basis for variation in treatment response.

Cognitive Management of Dependence

Description: Emphasis on the influence of biology on substance abuse behaviors may lead practitioners to underestimate the impact of the complex social, economic and environmental determinants of dependence. This seminar introduces health care practitioners to core behavioral theories relevant to the management of dependence, and operationalizes behavior change strategies in a framework suitable for the health care environment.

Objectives: At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the major behavioral learning theories relevant to dependence and cognitive interventions.
  • Describe the basis for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing in health care practice.
  • Characterize the behavioral manifestations of ambivalence and develop an effective approach to overcoming resistance to change.
  • Describe the core adult learning models, and their relevance to tobacco use treatment.

Advanced Pharmacologic Management of Tobacco Dependence

Description: A number of effective pharmacologic approaches to treating tobacco use have been developed over the past several decades, with a well-established evidence base guiding their use. In addition, novel strategies for increasing the effectiveness of existing medications are being evaluated, and incorporated into current standards of care. Clinicians facing questions about adverse effects and the utility of non-approved methods for cessation can help their patients navigate a confusing pharmacopeia by gaining a deeper understanding of the biological underpinnings of approved therapies.

Objectives: At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the cigarette's properties as a nicotine delivery device.
  • Incorporate guideline recommendations for pharmacotherapy into practical treatment recommendations.
  • Describe the risk profile for approved pharmacotherapies, both in general and special populations.
  • Address common questions about the use of non-approved cessation support.

Social, Environmental, and Political Influences on Continued Smoking

Description: If dependence is a clinical condition which manifests as reluctance to forego the substance of abuse, how can clinicians overcome this significant obstacle and promote treatment engagement? To make a significant impact on the tobacco epidemic, health care practitioners should adopt a holistic view of the complex interplay of social biases, treatment misconceptions, and political realities that undermine progress. An understanding of key social and political science concepts allows the clinician to make a bigger impact, on both the individual and population levels.

Objectives: At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the common biases, heuristics, and cultural norms that effect tobacco treatment decision-making.
  • Describe the impact of causal controllability assumptions on treatment, policy, and funding decisions regarding tobacco use.
  • Describe the concepts of "Voice" and "Exit Threat" as they pertain to effective tobacco advocacy.
  • Distinguish between effective and ineffective methods of attracting an audience to the tobacco treatment message.
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