What are the risks to having a uterus transplant?

The risks primarily include bleeding and infection, as the recipient must undergo a series of surgical procedures.

Additional risks include exposure to immunosuppressive medications. These can cause diabetes and renal damage in some organ transplant recipients, but these risks are usually associated with long duration of use.

Does the uterus remain implanted after the baby is born?

The uterus will be removed after child bearing is complete.

Who is a candidate for uterus transplant?

If a woman with UFI is interested in transplantation, she will undergo testing at Penn Medicine to ensure that she is a good candidate for the procedure. We’ll look at her medical and surgical history, as well as conduct a physical examination and lab work.

Women participating in the clinical trial must be:

  • Diagnosed with uterine factor infertility (UFI)
  • Of good health (as determined by testing)
  • Non-smokers
  • Between ages 21 and 40 (child-bearing age)

Both heterosexual and same-sex couples are eligible, but participants need to be in a stable relationship that has lasted at least three years.

Can women donate their uterus?

Yes, a uterus can be donated from either a living or deceased donor.

  • A living uterus donor gives her uterus for the purpose of transplantation to a female recipient. Potential living donors are women between 30 and 50 years of age who have completed their child bearing and are in generally good health.
  • A deceased uterus donor donates her uterus after death.

Donor requirements include:

  • Age 30-50
  • BMI of less than 30
  • Cancer-free for last five years
  • Negative for HIV, hepatitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes
  • No history of diabetes

I’m interested in participating. How do I find out more information or enroll?

To learn more, please contact Dan Zhao, RN, MNHP at dan.zhao@uphs.upenn.edu or 215-615-5162. Or, if you are interested in receiving a uterus transplant or donating your uterus, complete the online consent form and someone will contact you.

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