chest wall trauma The Chest Wall Reconstruction After Injury Program focuses on the repair and reconstruction of chronic and non-healing chest wall injuries.

Chest Wall Reconstruction After Injury Program

The Chest Wall Reconstruction After Injury Program offers patients with chronic chest wall pain, deformity or dysfunction a new hope to return to pre-injury function, free from chronic pain medications.

With this specific goal in mind, patients are evaluated for potential operative intervention to correct a variety of diagnoses, including:

  • Fracture mal-union or non-union
  • Costal margin rupture
  • Sternal factures and dislocations
  • Slipping rib syndrome
  • Intercostal nerve entrapment.

Services provided by the Chest Wall Reconstruction After Injury Program are offered to patients on an elective basis. Patients first undergo an initial consultation, where a recent CT scan imaging is reviewed and a careful, personalized treatment plan is described.

The Program is part of the Penn Center for Chest Trauma, which provides treatment for acute chest trauma.

About the Penn Center for Chest Trauma

The Penn Center for Chest Trauma is located at Penn Medicine’s Level 1 Trauma Center, based at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. It is a Regional Resource Trauma Center that has been serving the Philadelphia region for more than three decades and receives more than 600 transfer patients each year.

Faculty from the Penn Center for Chest Trauma, in conjunction with the Penn Transfer Center and the PennSTAR flight/ground transport program, are available to aid in the transfer of critically ill and injured patients.

The Penn Center for Chest Trauma and Chest Wall Reconstruction After Injury Program are led by Adam Shiroff, MD, FACS.

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