24/7 Treatment from Our Multidisciplinary Trauma Team

image of a piece of hospital equipmentOur Trauma Center offers 24/7, in-house care from surgeons and clinicians across 29 different medical and surgical specialties. This team of experts consists of oral and maxillofacial specialists, ophthalmologists, thoracic surgeons, lung rescue specialists, neurosurgeons, neurointensivists, orthopaedic trauma surgeons, reconstruction surgeons, physical therapists, trauma trained nurses, geriatricians and many more. Many other trauma centers do not have this level of in-house care, around the clock.

Our comprehensive, multidisciplinary team specializes in the treatment of all traumatic and life-threatening injuries, including:

  • Broken or dislocated jaw
  • Burns
  • Chest trauma/aortic injuries
  • Collapsed lung
  • Complex body fractures
  • Complex vascular injuries
  • Complex facial trauma
  • Concussion
  • Cuts and puncture wounds
  • Electrical injury
  • Facial trauma
  • Geriatric injuries
  • Hypovolemic/ hemorrhagic shock
  • Limb salvage/reconstruction
  • Myocardial contusion (bruised heart)
  • Ophthalmic injuries (of the eye)
  • Septic shock
  • Severely broken bone
  • Skull fracture
  • Spinal chord injury and spine fractures
  • Traumatic amputations
  • Traumatic brain injury

Penn Traumatology Services

Our John P. Pryor Shock Trauma and Resuscitation Unit offers 24/7, in-house care by a multidisciplinary team specially trained in trauma management and violence intervention. Many of our patients have multiple injuries that require the full spectrum of care. Our depth of experience and capability to treat these highly complex cases allows us to serve as a vital gateway for traumatically injured patients throughout the Philadelphia region.

Our trauma services span multiple specialties and programs, including:


Our dedication to improving the survival rates and quality of life for the traumatically injured makes us a step above other Level 1 Trauma Centers in many ways. We offer trauma care, surgical critical care and emergency surgery services at the following locations:


Surgical Critical Care and Emergency Surgery:

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