Penn Traumatology, Surgical Critical Care and Emergency Surgery is dedicated to the recovery and continued well-being of our patients. We offer various recovery programs, physical therapy programs and connection to local resources and events aimed at supporting those who have survived traumatic injuries.

Trauma Awareness Ceremony

Each May, the annual Trauma Awareness Ceremony brings together patients and staff to celebrate their success stories. The event will be held to mark National Trauma Awareness Month, a time to honor professionals who administer lifesaving care after car crashes, stabbings, shootings, falls and other injuries, and recognize the incredible stories of "unexpected trauma survivors." Patients and families will have the opportunity to reunite with the doctors, nurses and staff who ensured their survival when they were injured and critically ill.

Violence Intervention Programs

Victims who have been traumatically injured due to violence are offered continued support through various local violence intervention programs. Aimed to prevent reoccurrence, patients are offered counseling and other resources to help them work through the trauma of their particular event.

These programs include:

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