If you were born with a urology condition, your care doesn't stop when you become an adult. Our Pediatric to Adult Transitional Urology Program provides the continuous treatment and support you need as you move from pediatric to adult care.

Pediatric to Adult Transitional Urology: The Penn Medicine Advantage

People who have congenital (present at birth) urology conditions deserve uninterrupted care throughout their lives. Our urologists understand congenital conditions and how to support your well-being at every age. Other benefits of our transitional urology program include:

  • Complete care for complex conditions: Our doctors are experts in caring for those who have complicated medical histories and rare, complex genitourinary conditions. With our subspecialty expertise, you are able to receive care for any condition, regardless of your surgical history or medical needs.
  • Multispecialty team: At Penn, experts in other medical specialties, such as gastroenterology and orthopedics, are available to be a part of your care team. When needed, we coordinate your treatment with them to ensure you receive the highest quality care. Meet our urology specialists.
  • Partnership with pediatric providers: We partner with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) to gradually transition children to adult care providers when they're ready. We're also a referral center for other children's hospitals. No matter where you had care as a child, we are fully equipped to pick up where your pediatric urology doctors left off.

Caring for Adults After Pediatric Urology Care

Many pediatric urology conditions require lifelong care. We carefully review your history and medical needs to craft a personalized plan for you.

In some cases, our surgeon joins your pediatric surgeon during reconstructive urology procedures. We get to know you and your medical needs before you transition to adult care.

Our team specializes in:

  • Adult spina bifida treatment: Spina bifida happens when the neural tube (which forms the early brain and spine during pregnancy) doesn't close. Our program is one of the few in the region that specializes in the unique needs and treatment of adults living with spina bifida.
  • Bladder and cloacal exstrophy: These conditions cause the bladder and other urinary organs to develop outside the body. Our surgeons are experts at providing care for adults who had previous surgical repair. We also have expertise in urinary control, kidney health and other care needs for adults with this condition.
  • Differences of sex development (DSD): We provide compassionate, respectful care for adults with every type of DSD. We work with you to ensure physical and emotional well-being throughout your life.
  • Hypospadias repair problems: If you have pain, trouble urinating or other complications from hypospadias repair, we can help. Our urologists have years of experience in genital reconstruction and urinary training to treat complications from hypospadias repair.
  • Neurogenic bladder management: Adults with congenital neurogenic bladder may have complex urinary anatomy and different bladder function. Our adult care team is skilled in all these issues so you can live the healthiest life possible.
  • Pediatric urology cancers: Wilms tumor, childhood bladder cancer and other urology cancers may need ongoing care into adulthood. We provide complete care for your kidneys, bladder and other urinary organs.
  • Posterior urethral valves: People who experienced blockage of the urinary tract before birth often require lifelong bladder and kidney care. Our team works with our nephrology colleagues to care for adults with posterior urethral valves.
  • Prune belly syndrome in adults: Prune belly syndrome can cause undescended testicles and problems with urine drainage. We work closely with our colleagues in nephrology (kidney care) to help adults with prune belly syndrome preserve bladder and kidney function.
  • Ureter conditions: Duplex kidneys, ectopic ureter, megaureter, UPJ obstruction, vesicoureteral reflux and ureteroceles are problems with the ureter (tube that connects the kidneys and bladder). Our doctors specialize in caring for adults with these conditions, including those who had prior surgery.

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