The safest and easiest way to get out of bed is by doing what's called a log roll. Here's how to do it:

  1. Starting on your back, bend both of your knees. You can hug a pillow to your stomach to help protect your stomach.
  2. Roll on your side while keeping your knees bent.
  3. Once on your side, bring both of your legs over the side of your bed and sit up.
  4. Place both of your feet on the floor and bring one or both hands next to you on the bed and then you can go ahead and stand up.

To get back into bed you want to reverse everything that you just did.

Going up and down the stairs is okay to do occasionally. Try to do everything you can upstairs first and then stay downstairs for the rest of the day. Take one step at a time and be sure to hold onto the railing to help you with your balance. You'll want to do the same thing when you're going down the stairs as well.

It's important to walk three to four times a day. Be careful how far you walk; remember: you will need to walk back. Try to find a park where there's benches you can sit on to rest. You should be able to walk comfortably without it feeling like a workout. You should be able to talk while walking, but not sing.

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