There are a few seated exercises that you can do. The first exercise is called marches. To perform this exercise, lift your knee up to the ceiling and back down. Make sure you are moving nice and slow. Remember: quality is better than quantity.

The next exercise are kicks. To perform this exercise, you'll want to kick that leg straight out making sure the knee is straight and all the way back.

For the next exercise, grab a pillow and place it in between your knees and squeeze your knees together. When you relax you want to make sure the pillow doesn't drop.

The last exercise is called ankle pumps. You want to first lift the toes up to the ceiling and then back down and then lift the heels up and back down.

You'll want to perform each of these exercises nice and slow and do 10 repetitions of each exercise.

There are also a few exercised that you can do while standing. Make sure you have a chair next to you or something you can hold on to for balance.

The first exercise is called heel raises. To perform this exercise, come up on to your toes and back down, making sure you're moving nice and slow.

The next exercise is called mini squats. For this exercise, you're going to act as if you're sitting in a chair, making sure your knees are not going past your toes and then come back up. Don't go all the way down like a full squat.

For the last exercise, bring your leg out to the side and back in. Then, bring your leg back out to the front and back down and then behind you and back. Perform each of these exercises nice and slow and do 10 repetitions of each exercise.

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