Restrictions to patient visitors at Pennsylvania Hospital are currently in effect.

Pennsylvania Hospital

There are several convenient public transportation options that provide service close to Pennsylvania Hospital. Public transportation options include:

  • Amtrak | 215-824-1600
    Northeast corridor Amtrak trains stop at 30th Street Station. See SEPTA Regional Rail Lines or SEPTA City Transit for information on traveling to the hospital from 30th Street Station. Taxi service also is available at 30th Street Station.
  • Greyhound Bus Lines | 800-231-2222
    From the Greyhound Bus Station at 10th and Filbert Streets, walk one block south to 10th and Market Streets. From there, turn left and walk two blocks to 8th and Market Streets. At 8th and Market, turn right and walk five blocks south to 8th and Spruce streets. Or, from the Greyhound Bus Station, take the Market-Frankford (Blue Line) elevated train/subway to the 8th Street Station. From there, walk five blocks south, or take the #47 Bus south, on 8th Street to Spruce Street.
  • New Jersey PATCO Trains | 215-922-4600
    • Take the PATCO line to 8th and Market Streets. From there, walk five blocks south, or take the #47 Bus south, on 8th Street to Spruce Street.
    • Tale the PATCO line to 9-10th and Locust Street. From there, walk one to two blocks towards Pennsylvania Hospital.
    Septa | 215-580-7800
    • SEPTA Regional Rail Lines: All SEPTA Regional Rail Lines stop at Jefferson Station (11th and Market streets, formerly Market East station). From there, walk three blocks east on Market Street to 8th Street. Turn right on 8th Street and then walk five blocks south to Spruce Street.
    • SEPTA City Trains
      • From West or Northeast Philadelphia:
        Take the Market-Frankford (Blue Line) elevated train/subway to the 8th Street station. Walk five blocks south, or take the #47 bus south, on 8th Street to Spruce Street.
      • From North or South Philadelphia:
        Take the Broad Street (Orange Line) subway to the Lombard/South station. From Broad and Lombard, walk east six blocks on Lombard Street, turn left at 8th Street, and walk two blocks on 8th Street to Spruce Street. Or take the #40 bus east to 8th and South Streets, then walk three blocks north to Spruce Street.
      • From the Airport:
        Leaves every half hour at 10 minutes and 40 minutes past the hour, arrives at Jefferson Station (11th and Market, formerly Market East station). The train costs about $5 and takes about 30 minutes. From there, take the Market-Frankford (Blue Line) elevated train/subway to the 8th Street station. Walk five blocks south, or take the #47 bus south, on 8th Street to Spruce Street.
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