Kasie Hunt, CNN+ Anchor, standing with Dr. Daniel Yoshor, chair of Neurosurgery.
Kasie Hunt with Daniel Yoshor, MD

It was supposed to be a fresh start. After spending the better part of a decade covering politics at NBC News and MSNBC, journalist Kasie Hunt was set to become the first new hire of CNN+, anchoring her own daily news show and serving as chief national affairs analyst.

Before delving into her new gig, she decided to clear out her to-do list of long-put-off tasks. In Hunt’s case, that involved following up on a spot deep within her brain, first discovered months earlier. A battery of tests suggested that the abnormality wasn’t metastatic cancer. But these tests didn’t definitively answer what it was. And, on follow-up scans, Hunt and her doctors could plainly see that “the spot” was growing. That’s what brought the Washington, D.C. area resident to Philadelphia, and to Penn Medicine, where Daniel Yoshor, MD, chair of Neurosurgery, performed her surgery at HUP.

Read the rest of Kasie’s remarkable story.

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