As of September 2023, Penn Medicine’s official employee newsletter in print is Inside Penn Medicine. Many of our employee newsletter stories are now published throughout each month on the Penn Medicine News Blog. Older stories are available to browse in these archives.

Margaret “Maggie” Erdman, MMS, PA-C, Katlin “Katie” Dlugosz, MMS, PA-C, and Lisa George, MS, stand with a poster that describes the HUP–Cedar surgical access initiative.

Making Surgical Care Easy and Equitable at HUP–Cedar

The HUP–Cedar surgical access team is making sure patients get the surgical care they need, even without surgeons on site.

RSS Feed

  • office

    HUP’s Expanded Capacity Management Center Keeps Pace During COVID Surge

    July 08, 2020
    With the opening of Penn Medicine’s newly renovated and expanded Capacity Management Center earlier this year, transferring patients into HUP, Penn Presbyterian, and Pennsylvania Hospital became a faster and more efficient process. And, as it turned out, the improvement came just in time to handle the COVID surge.
  • box

    Books Can Heal

    July 08, 2020
    To support essential workers, along with small businesses, during the pandemic, Eugenia South, MD, of Emergency Medicine, collaborated with Harriet’s Book Shop, a black-owned small business that supports women authors and artists, to donate books to those working on the front line.
  • wheels

    Keeping the Wheels of Care Turning Smoothly Behind The Scenes Heroes

    June 01, 2020
    As the pandemic worked its way into our region, HUP’s clinical staff mobilized to provide necessary care on the front line. And while they battled COVID 19, behind-the-scenes work helped keep day-to-day operations as smooth as possible.
  • Patient Ready

    Making HUP East Patient Ready 15 Months Ahead of Schedule

    June 01, 2020
    When construction on the Pavilion (HUP East) was allowed to continue despite statewide shutdowns of many other building projects, an idea surfaced: could space in the facility be made patient-ready before a surge hit?
  • Mart and Colleen

    Recognizing Our “Distinguished” Nurse Clinicians

    April 02, 2020
    Each year, Penn Medicine’s Distinguished Nursing Clinician Academy brings in new members who not only exemplify clinical excellence but also exhibit compassion and empathy in the direct care of patients and families.
  • treatment

    Getting the Right Patients to the Right Place

    April 02, 2020
    HUP CEO Regina Cunningham, PhD, RN, sees the opening of the Pavilion as a “great opportunity to think differently about how we deliver care, to not stay wedded to how things are always done but rather to drive positive changes.”
  • violence

    Preventing Violence Before It Occurs

    April 02, 2020
    Preventing workplace violence is part of HUP’s wide-ranging efforts to keep patients, families and staff safe.
  • Difference makers

    True Difference Makers

    April 02, 2020
    In challenging times, so many of us working in health care — time and again — find ways to go above and beyond.
  • old hup

    Another “Look Back” at HUP

    February 28, 2020
    Next in our continuing series about the history of HUP West comes the D. Hayes Agnew Memorial Pavilion, which, in 1897, was added to HUP’s growing footprint.
  • Nominees

    Support Associates: An Integral Part of Patient Care

    February 28, 2020
    Nursing associates are, basically, the engine that keeps patient care units humming along — the wind beneath their wings.
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